Does anyone sees what is happening here or this is only me??
Do you people see why Scaven does not post something here?
If he had done the same thing on 21st of August 2009, when he posted about Scirocco, nothing of all these would happen now. That's why he is not saying anything.
Has anyone of you complaining has even think that this is an on-going project an is under development?????
Has anyone even think that we have a simulator that is programed by one man & not a huge company (in that case you would have to pay 50euros for a GAME that has a lot of bugs and it's out just ofr the profit of the porducers eg. F1 2010, WRC, etc)????? does this mean anything to you?
I'm bored of people saying "when the S3 will be published?" "when is scirocco going out?". RELAX. You are the reason that Scaven does not saying anything here. Because if he answers one post, we will se a topic full of people asking "Is scirocco ready?" "what's the progress of the physics update?"
Please calm down and think just this......
Do you have experience the 100% of this simulator?????
What is offering to you right now is not enough for you?????
Why do you neen something to change??? What is the need of one more road car, as Scirocco will be?
I've still a lot to experience using this thing called LFS, I have a lot to discover. If sometime i need something more and if LFS hasn't change anything else, it's on my hand to try something else and not to spam a topic with the same and the same question over & over again. That's my thought. End of story for me.