I was waiting quietly lately, but it's getting stressful

Would be nice to hear from Scawen what has been already done from the to-do things listed in the last progress report and why only that much. Over 7 months passed and all we hear is "talk to the hand".
Strage thing about LFS is that customers have to lick asses of developers, not contrarywise.
At the moment it's like:
customers: give us S3 content we want to pay for it so much! please!
developers: *ignorance*
customers: we can pay for it without even knowing what will it contain, please let us pay you!
developers: *ignorance*
It should be like:
developers: hey LFSers! we have released today a first LFS patch with S3 content, you can start buying S3 licenses!
customers: *ignorance*
developers: anyone?
customers: *ignorance*
developers: come on, it has new menu buttons, arrows, Rockinghamseses, trash cans and even more
customers: *ignorance*