I don't want to sound like an ass, but my point of veiw is:
A lot of talk - no action.
There really is nothing "propper" "true" "solid" or what you call it statements, it's just what's said before wrapped up in a new package.
As someone stated earlier, the problems with LFS is not the physics, but the track part. We have a lot of cars allready, and the physics have their challenges but overall more than fine enough, track part?
I am thankfull for the information, but it gave no kind of valuable answers. Of course 99% of this forum knows the devs are still working on the game, there is no denying on that, we know it takes time because quality comes before quantity, but the ever-asking-question : what about the tracks?
Leagues, quick races and genereally all the racing in LFS struggles to keep the fun factor up due to 5 year old tracks. Some of them have recived some updates, but it's still the same. Boobs are epic, silicon too, but it's still just the same pair of boobies.
I guess most of you got that metaphore (typo)
But again, thanks Scawen for the update. The information given about the AI were solid, good information, and I apreciate you for taking the time with us. I know you don't like blogging, but please do post some more on the forum, thoughts, opinions, replying to the comminty - and we're gold.
We have our disagrees on hows things should be said or not, but I think it's safe to say that I would not stay around since 03 if I had not enjoyed your product a lot