server name: [dSRC] Battle Grounds #4
password will be sent by pm on the forum
We will be using most of the MoE rules:
- drivers join the server when the car u want to switch into is past the first sector
- driver that switched out of the car must leave the server imediatly
- all the teams must have skins with theire alocated number and the name of the drivers
- we will be using the names in this format nr - nick (please NO team tags, youre team name is writen on the car)
ex: 1 - Scoop
- you must have the car number and the names of the drivers clearly on the skin
- start will be 1 formation lap, with a pacecar, then start in double file
- we allow 2 or 3 drivers per team
- the qual is gona be 1 out lap, 1 fast lap and then u spectate (super pole style), only 1 team driver is gona do the qual but the driver that did the qual is not obliged to also do the race start.
Race Date 16th april 2006
at least 1 driver should be there at 13:45
Qual start: 14:00
30 min brake
Race start: 15:00
1 - #1 PSP - XRR
Alex "Scoop" Barbu & Priitmek & Prophet
2 - #2 n1 - XRR
Petec23 & Jaakko_M
3 - #13 Fragmaster - XRR
Thor & Aldi & TBA
4 - #18 SWR - FXR
Cropsy & Gray
5 - #4 Muroc - XRR
Paps° & Hannu & Skylark
6 - #6 Muroc - XRR
NoGhost & ToniX & Viper93
7 - # 14 Csimpone Racing - XRR
Csimpok & Darkone
8 - #07 Cyber Racing - XRR
casper & Misko
9 - #3 ITEK - XRR
B11tme & LRB_Aly
10 - #10 n1 - XFR
Danowat & Kalle
11 - #11 1ST|Racing - XFR
Thomm & TraXXion
12 - #32 1ST|Racing - XFR
Geforcy & Kaspur & Chriskart
13 - #91 dSRC - UFR
hackerx & Michel & nazzard
14 - #15 Cyber Racing - XFR
owl & holycow & Fred
15 - #00 Team Diabolique - XFR
P.Nunes & H.Barbosa & F.Pinto & IbizaGTS
16 - #5 SERT - XFR
nesrulz & marecare & saturday
17 - #777 Triple 7 Racing - XFR
Three Jump & BBO
For more information u can contact me at [email protected] or u could come on IRC on Gamesurge network, channel: 1ST|Racing
I know it's a little late guys but i've had a really busy day but enough chit chat here are the results of the first LFS|GT race:
Pos Car No Team Car Laps
1 07 Cyber Racing XRR 74
2 04 Muroc XRR 74
3 14 Csipone XRR 74
4 06 Muroc XRR 73
5 02 N1|Racing XRR 73
6 03 ITEK RAcing XRR 73
7 01 PSP XRR 71
8 13 Fragmasters XRR 71
9 18 SWR FXR 70
Pos Car No Team Car Laps
1 15 Cyber Racing XFR 65
2 777 Triple 7 Racing XFR 64
3 91 dSRC UFR 64
4 11 1ST|Racing XFR 64
5 10 N1|Racing XFR 63
6 32 1ST|Racing XFR 62
7 00 Dyabolique XFR 62
A full on race report will follow tomorow (when i'll be able to find some time to spend in front of the pc to do it

Replays of the races are in 2 sections the first 2hours and the last hour:
I would like to thank
- dSRC for providing us with the servers
- 1ST|Racing for providin an official training server
- Cyber`owl for hosting the race replays
- everybody who saw a small flaw in the rules and helped me repair it
The spirit of the GT award goes out to #13 Fragmasters and #18 SWR for not using the high nose bug, great going guys

In the future i'm going to organise a multi race season in the same format (9 GT1 cars and 8 GT2 cars) teams of 2-3 drivers, there will be arround 6-8 races, and race time will be aprox the same as sunday's race exept the qual sesions are gona be friday and saturday, the only diference is that it's gona be by invite not by first come first serve so keep an eye on the forum and when i post an official anouncement u can post youre interest and i'll select the teams that will race.
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