You liberal people are so scared of voicing a real hard opinion, you call racism at the first jot. If all you see is racism, then YOU are the racist one. Can't someone criticize people who are black or Muslim without it being racist?
I am no language expert but people can speak very differently depending on their environment. I have met someone who spoke just like me, same accent. Then his brother walked into the room who also spoke just like me, however, suddenly both of them start talking in a thick Irish accent using Irish words together. One was born in England, and one had been here since he was 3 or 4. Meet them apart they are 100% English... see them together and you have 2 Irishmen.
The way the brain learns to communicate is truly amazing and to judge someone on the way they speak in one circumstance and one environment is 'naive' (a word used too much on these forums). Language and how that relates to ethnicity is a a HUGELY complex subject.
He spoke very broken English and with a strong Pakistani accent, he'd been in the UK all his life, so really... it shows cultural ignorance. If I moved to a country I'd make damn sure I tried my hardest to learn their language.
I've spoken to someone who spoke with an Irish accent using Irish dialect. Two minutes later they are speaking the Queens English. You and I are NO language experts but I do understand the insane complexity involved with how a person speaks DIFFERENTLY in DIFFERENT environments. Judging someone on one or two encounters will not give you an idea of who they are ... 'ethnically'
He spoke in a Scottish accent when he spoke to you no doubt, but how would you know how he spoke to the people of Kent when you were not there... that is the point I am getting at. However if he moved at 18 the language part of your brain is well developed.
This isn't my point. My point was that BlueFlame was trying to judge someone, and frame them ethnically because of the way they spoke. IN reply to this I said that accents/dialects are a hugely complex thing and people speak differently in different environments unintentionally. This is just how nature behaves so to say someone isn't 'British' by the way they speak doesn't take into consideration the vast complexity of language and accent.
it has nothing to do with how people are admired, as great as your Grandad may have been
If they're drunk out of their minds, lurching around on a street, alternating between punching each other in the face and chanting and occasionally performing the amazing fit of screaming while throwing up then they most likely are British even though they are totally incapable of actual speech. At least around some areas here and specially at summer time. Irony is that these fine white British lads I just described are almost certainly on vacation using this precious welfare money all these other fine white British lads have been typing out their screams of anguish over.
Let's break this down into bits even you can understand. By the way, I must appollogize for talking to you, as I am a dirty German (from the folk of Schwaben, or swabia).
You want a hard opinion? Okay.
You sir are a national socialist, you judge people by their accent or dialect, belief, nationality and skin colour. That IS racism, my friend.
In fact if someone judges black or Muslim people like you do, he is a racist indeed. Some racist right wing (toilet) paper takes a photo of a house and a black man, starts discriminating that guy by telling lies. What do you think comes into people's (read: the bnp voters) minds when they see such an article? I've written some more stuff but deleted it... too harsh.
Last but not least; "people seeking asylum should go to the nearest safe country" means nothing else like "I don't want those guys in my surrounding".
Why does everyone take out of context what I've said?
I'm not "white power" at all but I face the facts, I bet most of you are so Liberally thinking you haven't opened your eyes enough to actually see whats going on in reality you probably don't have any ethnic friends, and then there's the other type, you HAVE ethnic friends so anyone who mentions even a hint of criticism to immigrants you're calling racism at the first hurdle because that's all you can see past your rent boy loving eyes. You know it's always the Liberal thinking people that are using the word racism the most, people actually of any ethnicity would agree with me as do my Muslim friends. Whom I get on with alot, but I'm not the type of person to start calling someone a racist just because they don't like the way Muslims are in the UK just because I know a few Muslims myself, because it would be a biased opinion and selfish of me.
You seem to think that culture (and, indeed, language) is a static thing that should never, ever be changed. Do you think 'Englishness' just suddenly spontaneously appeared as the first settlers (ooh, immigrants baaad) stepped over what would become the border?