It's good to hear sounds work for you now. As for the frequency of signals see my previous post here, last paragraph. And about the glitches you mention... wow, you're doing strange things. The primary objective is to make Aonio work reliably and understandably under standard racing conditions, that is without AIs, in multiplayer, live action.
It was suggested to me by JoRuss that instead of star spotter a radar should be used, so as a exercise I tried to implement this principle in some reasonable way - Aonio now has 6th configurable panel, radar screen.
It shows virtual area 40 meters ahead of you, 40 behind and 20 meters to each side. Your car is in the middle, if there are any cars around withing the radar reach, they're shown at their current relative positions around you.
Maybe this will seem to some people absurd, maybe some will find it entertaining, other even useful, I'm not sure. Anyway, by default this panel is NOT displayed, you need to update config to have it displayed - default location is left middle.
I have also received other ideas to implement, surely when time allows I'll try something. There have also been complaints about default sounds - these are just some Win sounds I could find here, if anyone can supply anything better, he's most welcome to do so.
Updated Aegio library is supplied, you need to overwrite not just old EXE, but also DLL. Also after some coding Aonio now runs on Linux as well, with appropriate Mono libraries available. Link to the new version is in my signature. Enjoy!
PS: Appended are 2 examples of the radar display, I hope it will make sense to you.
Thanks! A bit updated version is available, supporting a few commands, all showing or hiding some panels. General form looks for now like this:
![view|prev|next|host|spot|radar] [on|off]
E.g. to hide host panel type !host off or !hof for short. To turn it back on use !host on or just !hon. Turn on radar by !radar on or just !ron etc...
On servers using Airio all these commands will be hidden, which would also be the case on other servers using e.g. Lapper with ! defined as a symbol hiding the following text.
Thanks for your reports! When the Prev/Next panels show strange info, please take a look at how LFS itself reports positions. Aonio depends on these data, and LFS sometimes (rarely though) shows not quite correct positions. Anyway, they should be the same. Also please make sure you're using the latest version for testing and reporting bugs.
Aonio 0.6.2 is available through a link in my signature. It adds one more config option turning remaining fuel display from percentage to laps once sufficient lap consumption data are available. The gathered data are stored on application quit (by pressing Q in its console) into a STA file, retrieved on next start. The STA file may later be used for storing other track/car data, such as your PBs or TBs achieved when using Aonio.
Newly also the radar panel is active in bottom left corner while star spotter is hidden by default. That's because the radar panel gives really nice overview and seems to be pretty useful at times. Of course you can turn on/off and move the panels as you need, using CFG items.
Soon I'd like to add digital speedo, a simple button with configurable position (maybe also size) showing current speed of the viewed car. Then I have a request to show complete list of drivers with additional data (# of pitstops, car, time gap).
Got the same error when I tested it first time, after looking for a solution on the port side and loosing much time, I found that I had created in the past an undedicated server which was passworded, I removed the password and aonio was working perfectly.
If you don't have the same problem, try it with a fresh install of lfs, if it works it probably means that something was messed up in lfs config...
Good Luck!
@EQ: Great stuff mate, I love the last updates!!
And the cfg offers some nice customisation options, I am thinking of making some rock n roll sound files for cars coming from behind and maybe some meditation music for what's in
Yes, in fact TCP error is reported both when using incorrect/unopened InSim port and wrong password. See the CFG file for short instructions about how to remove (or see) current client multiplayer password. You'll know InSim port is OK and pass is wrong by looking into LFS chat - there would be message about password mismatch.
If you after succesfull connection receive no OutGauge data (most notably current speed and engine rotations of viewed driver or your fuel level), quit LFS, go to your LFS folder, open cfg.txt file, find OutGauge items and set all five to 0 (zero). Then start LFS and Aonio again, maybe it will work now.
Haha, thanks! Replacing the default supplied sounds would be cool; everyone can create his/her own WAV files, because our tastes difer. For example I'm quite happy with the default Windows sounds.
Aonio 0.7.0 contains one more simple panel (seventh, that's why it is version 0.7 ), classical digital speedometer, a simple transparent button with configurable position, size and text color (see the updated CFG file). This panel is NOT shown by default.
Note that the number in this new button comes from multicar info packets and shows real car speed on the LFS map, while speed info that is part of viewed driver panel comes from outgauge info and basically tells how fast are car wheels spinning.
Update note: Always be sure to update both EXE and DLL files (and check CFG file), because recently the library changed quite a lot and I'm still in the process of cleaning its code, meaning there are constant small updates.
Version 0.8.0 is now available, containing one more (8th) panel. This one shows all people on track, your current time gap to every one of them and used car OR # of pitstops made plus active penalties.
This panel in a certain way mimicks player names/positions available in LFS. However, it is a bit slower to update (for performace reasons the update is done just once a second) and also somehow wider. So why use it at all?
First, it supplies race important data - time gaps, car types, penalties, pitstops. Second, you may place it anywhere you prefer.
In the current state Aonio can supply at configurable places all the important race data. Take a look at the appended image showing what I myself consider as good configuration.
It uses only four panels: Host panel top right to see race length and number of connections and drivers. Radar panel bottom left to see cars in close profimity. Viewed driver panel bottom center to see current lap/position and any penalties applied or pitstops made. Field panel showing all cars in race.
The rest of LFS information is hidden using Shift+F, so that data are not doubled and overlapping.
Note that the field panel is relatively demanding - new player joining may mean up to 90 buttons (on full S2 server) to be redrawn. Test, see if it is useful and working correctly.
Also note I'm not sure about colors of time differences. Probably they'll all be white, showing in red or green on splits amount you lost or gained on the particular driver in that sector. Hm, yes, tricky, but may be a good feature for 0.8.1.
Thank you!
If AONIO works for the local computer, maybe you can do what he would save the data of the best sectors for the route. When you enter the server, you can not compare the data with AIRIO (the server), but with AONIO.
Course will be very similar to the LFS Relax, but at the moment have to run two applications.
Aonio 0.8.1 updates the field panel display. Running absolute time gaps are shown in white. On splits and laps exact gap change is displayed - red means you were slower, green means you were faster in the latest common sector. The timing info can be a bit overwhelming from the start, but I believe it is useful to see both absolute current difference (white) and sector changes (red or green). Check it out, see if it behaves reasonably.
Great! The differences are absolute, in seconds. For people ahead the time difference says how long is it they were in the same lap and in the same node as you are now. For people behind the number says how long it is since you were in that lap and node other drivers are now. If someone is lap or more ahead/behind, time difference will be high, one or two minutes...
Yes, I think local PBs (personal bests) and TBs (theoretical bests) and comparison values will be Aonio feature (9th panel, probably) sometime soon. There is already data save/load write/read (STA file) support implemented, so it is a question of adding the management/comparison/display code.
Aonio 0.9.0 adds 9th panel, local PB and TB data, that are also saved into STA file on program correct exit (by pressing Q in the console or by closing LFS to which it is connected). Soon I plan to add a command allowing to list your local track/car or general stored data.
Note however that this simple panel is as far as I'd go into duplicating Airio functionality. I do not want (now) to allow different comparison basis, setting good/great times and such. Something relatively simple along these lines may appear in the future, but it is not a priority.
Aonio is a client-side tool and it should implement functions that cannot be done on server due to high amount of calculations and paricularly high volume of button updates. Fuel, radar and extended field list are in my view nice tools and ideal for local generation.
Appended is an image of one of the possible LFS/Airio/Aonio configuration, my current favorite. LFS list of drivers is turned off, Aonio is supplying more data. Radar is very helpful, just as remaining fuel shown in laps. Host info is cool for quick overview of race setup and current number of connections and cars on track. Timing buttons are supplied by Airio, map is a LFS feature.
What I'd love to see as buttons would be current (average) tyre and clutch temperatures, maybe also damage in some form. Unfortunately these data are not available using OutGauge currently, I plan to ask LFS developers for this (I hope) relatively simple addition...
I thought I'd share my current setup to give you more ideas:
As you can see I am only using the field panel from Aonio ... here's why ...
One of the great features of Relax is that you can set the size of the text of the buttons. I found Aonio buttons too small. having bigger buttons lets me see the info quicker.
On the panels for previous and following cars, besides the size of the text I also like I can see the previous lap's time for my opponents.
As for timing and stats I went w/ Relax buttons because I can see all splits for the lap and the colors (that stay) allow me to have a quick idea how my lap is going compared to my pb.
I love Aonio's field panel! the colors on the splits are great to see the progress (or lack of) on opponents. and the pit info is critical for longer races. Also, having it allows me to keep the tyre temp buttons up while still seeing the field. I moved it to the left because on the right it would block the F12 and F11 info critical for longer races.
Hope this helps and spawns more ideas and improvements.
Ha, nice! It is good (and a bit surprising in fact) to see that Relax/Aonio local buttons are not clashing, or at least not apparently. Meanwhile Aonio 0.9.2 displays in the field list for a few seconds last lap times of all drivers, so this info is available about every driver, though (due to multi-purpose buttons) only for some 8 seconds...