Hello racers !
Talk about Round 7 of the 2009 MiniFBM Series here. It's the final round of the season, on an Autocross Layout designed by Phil Diaz.
Track: Autocross PMDRing (AU1_MiniFBM4) (GET LAYOUT)
Server Arrival Deadline: 17:25
Qualifying Session (~20 Minutes) Start: 17:30
Shootout Race: 5 laps if more than 15 attend starting at 18:05 UTC
Race: 30 laps starting at 18:15 UTC if the shootout is needed, 18:05 if shootout is not needed.
Remember all races start after one unscored pace lap behind the Safety Car.
Server Name: NDR|MiniFBM 2009
Server Password: (See PMs - sent Saturday overnight or earlier if I get to it)
Again, as part of our website, I'd like your folks' help in testing something for us - online registration system. You'll may need to do a few things, that are all mostly harmless. Still in a rather testing phase, but the more we get the better it goes.
1. Go to http://www.newdimensionracing.com and click on "Register" on the lower left hand side. If you're already on the site, please edit your profile to fill in some new fields that were added - preferred number(s) and team info.
2: After you activate your account, login and click on "Events Registration" then click on "MiniFBM 2009 Round 7" You should see your number name etc autopopulate if everything goes correctly - it takes from your profile. Click "Register" and you should see your name there. The link is also in the MiniFBM menu at top.
3: Report any issues you observe or comments in our fourms there on that site in the general section :P
The goal is to do most, if not all, series signups and race confirmations through here - easier than tracking a thread in the end. Also it can autofill your infos so it's easier on you as well :P

Talk about Round 7 of the 2009 MiniFBM Series here. It's the final round of the season, on an Autocross Layout designed by Phil Diaz.
Track: Autocross PMDRing (AU1_MiniFBM4) (GET LAYOUT)
Server Arrival Deadline: 17:25
Qualifying Session (~20 Minutes) Start: 17:30
Shootout Race: 5 laps if more than 15 attend starting at 18:05 UTC
Race: 30 laps starting at 18:15 UTC if the shootout is needed, 18:05 if shootout is not needed.
Remember all races start after one unscored pace lap behind the Safety Car.
Server Name: NDR|MiniFBM 2009
Server Password: (See PMs - sent Saturday overnight or earlier if I get to it)
Again, as part of our website, I'd like your folks' help in testing something for us - online registration system. You'll may need to do a few things, that are all mostly harmless. Still in a rather testing phase, but the more we get the better it goes.
1. Go to http://www.newdimensionracing.com and click on "Register" on the lower left hand side. If you're already on the site, please edit your profile to fill in some new fields that were added - preferred number(s) and team info.
2: After you activate your account, login and click on "Events Registration" then click on "MiniFBM 2009 Round 7" You should see your number name etc autopopulate if everything goes correctly - it takes from your profile. Click "Register" and you should see your name there. The link is also in the MiniFBM menu at top.
3: Report any issues you observe or comments in our fourms there on that site in the general section :P
The goal is to do most, if not all, series signups and race confirmations through here - easier than tracking a thread in the end. Also it can autofill your infos so it's easier on you as well :P