'09 Round 7: Post-Race Discussion
Discuss !

No flamewars pl0x.


Errr... This was eventful.
Omg i didnt fail :d

go me
If Deko is to replace Charlie as Race Director he needs to build safer tracks
Replays in OP.
Official results linked in OP, or here.

I still don't like deciding championships with post-race penalties. Never have. Never will.
#7 - Rikje
well I obviously have learnt my lesson. After sharing all my setups the past season and losing the champion by such a retarded race I'm telling you this won't happen again, if I can even be bothered to show up anyway


Still I'd like to thank Fred for his champ fight unfortunately we had to fight it out on such a weird way.
I just wanted to express my opinion about Kenneth and especially his behaviour. I am taking full responisibilty for my actions (although I still think I wasn't doing something really bad there) unlike a certain child that always seems to be able to blame others for every mistake while it's never his own fault. The fact that you actually managed to destroy a fair championship just makes it even more sad. Kenneth, I hope you take a good look at yourself and behaviour and then come back with your apologies.
I would like to thank you Rik for all the setups you sent me throughout the season, i wouldn't have been competative if it wasn't for your sets. I'm sorry that the final round turned out as it did, but i guess that is just how it turns out sometimes.

I surely injoyed this league a lot, good racing although the turnout was low. I would also like ot thank NDR for the great organizing, and youll probably see me next season as well
I feel bad for Rik TBH :|

Grats to Fred anyway
I think the penalty is a bit silly, especially when your ruining a championship with it. Rik didn't do much wrong, he braked a bit late... but without any intention to crash. Just a racing incident.

Some other drivers did the same and didn't get a penalty for it... look at me on lap 17 for example, exact the same thing happened but no penalty applied. Why?

Also, if Kenneth wasn't driving like a tard again and spinning Rik (for his teammate or not...), this wouldn't have happened anyway.
Quote from zeromussov :Some other drivers did the same and didn't get a penalty for it... look at me on lap 17 for example, exact the same thing happened but no penalty applied. Why?

D"oh !

This would be because I have forgotten to investigate that incident. So the results aren't official, I'll check into it tonight.

Sorry, had forgotten about that one. :doh: