OK guys here's a few completely implausible theories for you :- (warning, long'ish post coming)
1, The pic of the steering wheel on the FO8 (day 3) had a link to "Cromo.com", a religious greeting card website. This couldnt have been a coincidence, could it ?
2, So far, there have been 6'ish update's. If we stick with the religious theme, God created all the heavens and the earth in 6 days, and rested from his work on the 7th day, i.e today.
3, It's Easter, a time when Jesus was apparently crucified and rose again after 3 days, i.e today !
And, if you go and read your bible, you'll see that it says he rose very early on the third day !!, i.e its now 9.30am (UK time), apparently, this is VERY VERY early for Scawen

So, what to make of it all ??, i dunno,
But, one thing that's crossed my mind these last few days is, with the way the Dev's have been drip feeding us this information, and getting everyone in hysteric's about its content and release day. They must be really really confident about it, coz the last thing they'd want is another Nkpro fiasco. (but, to compare it to the resurrection of Christ, !! well, thats something else

originally posted by Spyshagg
on the April 3rd announcement Victor mentioned a few things included in the patch, graphic tweaks, aero improvement, tyre physic's, new track config, and a surprise !, well, we've had all of that in the daily update's (the blackwood guru tease, being the surprise), so whats next ?
I really dont wanna add fuel to the fire, but, there may just be a possibility it'll be released today

, however, a while ago Scawen said, it'll be ready when its ready, so i guess, it'll be released when it's released.
I will say this in closing, Well done to the Devs, coz this whole thing is a work of pure genius :clapclap: