The problem is that LFS dev want to do EVERYTHING at once.
- Tyre heating and cooling -> Patch 0.6A
- AI driver improvements -> Not important, Patch 0.6B
- Limited setup system -> Maybe with patch 0.6A, can wait to 0.6B too.
- Suspension updates -> Patch 0.6B or C
- VW stability control -> Last thing to worry about, patch 0.6Z
Most of the things can wait for later, because it takes YEARS to release it otherwise. Oh, why don't you annunce and start doing night mode and the other 6 vehicles that are unplanned yet, so you can do it all at once and release it by 2020?
The devs tend to release many physics updates simultaneously to reduce number of times overall that statistics get reset. Every physics change causes the car(s) affected to have their stats nullified. Would you like to have to have to deal with that every 6 or 9 or 12 months if you are say, a league admin or someone else who relies on using those stats for some reason? I sure wouldn't.
As was said earlier, VW Stability control is part of the car, so it can't wait. May not be important to you, but for the simulation aspect it is.
AI..meh, they could use an update, and some enjoy using the AI...still beneficial.
Anyway, I'm happily running events and whatnot and have already got my 24 GBP worth of this sim....and I'll keep running events as long as there are people interested and willing to run in them.
ya, all of this negativity is ruining LFS, there is seriously no reason to talk trash about the devs, they could have just kept the game for themselfes.
think about it, 3 ordinary people, making a game that is mainly better then any other simulator on the market made by 10 times as many people
Arg, I hate my slow internet...
would take me couple of hours to download and probably my Connection would get lost half way in..(if it is the same as back in 2007, with 280 Meg or some).
Not sure if I have watched it back then, or if I knew you were involved..
Guess it has to wait then..
Ýup, it is the one clip from 2007 and no, I'm not involved at all, apart from the creation of this clip itself.
What will LFS be in 10 years? Well, i hope it's going to kick ass, but I'm afraid it doesn't. But then again, how could I, or anyone in that respect, be certain about the outcome at all anyways?!
The glass is half full, or in other words: Hoping for the best, and been prepared for the rest.