I just recently learned about this ranking thingie (im new after years of absense) and I must say that I am totally and utterly shocked. Surely there must have been better proposals on the table than this? Imho it would have been bad enough (yet tolerable) if it was account-bound. But to have it server-based is just....just.....I dont know! It doesnt make any sense to have to achieve the same thing over each time you happen to join a new server. Incomprehensible...
But since things are what they are (and I hope that reason will prevail in the end and this system is retired to the history logs), I do concur with EQ Worry: if AndRands suggesting in any way could be implemented, I hope it would serve as a suggestion for racing parties, rather than requirements. I have on numerous occasions finished higher than people lapping 1-3 seconds faster than me, and I put it all down to consistency. The longer the race, the better (for me).
It's one thing hotlapping, but come race day, there are many factors that can be an harnessed into an advantage and turn the table completely.