Show all cars in host lit
(5 posts, started )
Show all cars in host lit
When you join multiplayer and select show all hosts, you are looking at the different servers, and what cars you are allowed to drive on them.

But, when we have our insim running, (which allows all cars to be raced), if the race is only XFR, then XFR is only shown, is it possible to make it show all cars, all the time,

Hope it makes sense


-OsR- Old Skool Racing
Are you saying your insim restricts players to using just one car, even though in the LFS game lobby, your server shows as all cars available to drive?
I was under the impression that LFS already does what you say you want it to do

LFS can only show the cars enabled on the server by the /cars command.

If you want the host list to display all the cars that are available ever on your server, you'll have to set /cars to what you want to be displayed on the host list and limit the allowable cars at the time via InSim.

Ed: By 'limit via InSim' I mean that the InSim app would /spec anyone who's in a disallowed car instead of using the /cars command.
Quote :Are you saying your insim restricts players to using just one car, even though in the LFS game lobby, your server shows as all cars available to drive?
I was under the impression that LFS already does what you say you want it to do

Basically with our insim if you win the race, the winner picks next car, IE FZR, so if someone is browsing hosts list, if just shows FZR,
Would like it to show all cars al lthe time ?

-OsR- Old Skool Racing
dont use /cars FZR to allow only that car once the person picked it.

Simply use.. if (car_gotten_into != car_currently_allowed) send(/spec username);

Show all cars in host lit
(5 posts, started )