4870s are currently priced in the high ~100€ range and should be more than capeable of delivering the framerates youre looking for
a only slightly less powerful alternative is the 5770 which costs about the same and has the advantage of not running out of stock fost like the 4870... also its much less demanding on the power supply (shoulda... woulda... coulda...)
I have the 5750 and im not overly impressed so far. Havent actually tried any decent games though! Runs everything i have at 1440 * 900 though so i don't really know what my problem is
I seriously cant see what so fun with calling one or the other anything more than what they're called.
I have had ONE ATI card, back in 2002 (radeon 9200LE) and the drivers sucked.. Really, they did.. Thats the ONLY reason why i dont use ATI. Tho i KNOW that ATI's drivers has improved alot over the years, and that why my next card will be an ATI.. Tho im not a "fan" of any of them, i just go with the one that suit my needs the best. And if 3dFX would still be alive i wouldnt have changed from them..
OT: Found XFX Radeon HD4850 XXX Dual-DVI 512MB, swedish site, tho the price is just under 100€, best i could find NEW for that price.. I bought my gtx260 for 1400sek, about 137€, not long ago and im happy with it..