The online racing simulator
G27 Clutch/FFB Help
(9 posts, started )
G27 Clutch/FFB Help
I am having trouble with my G27's FFB. I owned it for roughly a week and i left for the weekend, when i came back, i tried to play lfs, when i went ot adjust my FFB settings, they wont change. There is NO difference in the amount of FFB being felt.. but in all of the setting (profiler, lfs settings, etc.) the FFB bars are adjusted. I cannot find anyway to get the wheel's ffb to change.. if any suggestions, help me, cuz logitech's customer support deleted all posts and hung up on me.

Also, today when i got on lfs, my clutch was not functioning in-game. It's axis bar would move in axis settings, but it would not actually work when driving.PLEASE HELP!
Have you tried uninstalling the driver, and installing the latest one from logitech's web site?
#3 - dadge
sounds like a bad driver installation. re-route power from life support!
Um, where would i get new drivers? Im sorry, im not too good with drivers and things like that. :/
Thanks, Scribble
#5 - dadge
Hey, i installed new software and drivers and stuff.. didnt do anything.. further suggestions?

UPDATE: I got my wheel to work fine now. I re-installed new software and then did default settings in profiler.. only problem is, when my wheel is straight in real life, the wheel in lfs is slightly to the left, and i cant get in-game wheel to work 900 degrees rotation.
#7 - dadge
make sure that the wheel is powered by the PSU supplied with the unit.
Rotate the wheel fully left and right once in LFS, to make sure it calibrates correctly and uses the full steering range. Regarding 900°, none of the cars in LFS actually have 900° steering - the maximum is 720° for the road cars. This is also why the recommended Logitech Profiler setup is set to 720° and not 900°.

However, if you want to force the cars in LFS to use 900° you can do that too. Simply set the "Wheel turn compensation" option in LFS to "0" - now all cars will use 900° steering, though the cockpit wheel animation speed will be slower than your real wheel.
Thanks guys (: it worked, calibrated it and installed V5.07 Profiler.


G27 Clutch/FFB Help
(9 posts, started )