I have to admit, coming into round 2 after the shambles of round 1 last week, i was pessimistic to say the least, it seems though, that i needn't have worried...
Qualifying went reasonably well for me, even after an hour or two's practice during the week before hand, i PB'd two or three times during the session, handing me a familiar middle of the order start
Sprint race was the most fun i'd had in LFS for quite a while. After getting an ok start, i lost a position to J.Kursk as my Concept teammate powered past the inside of me over the brow of the T1 hill.
I don't remember when i re passsed him though, as the battle that followed which involved me, A.Pettigrew, J.Vertanen, and i think M.Neiva, was properly intense for a couple of laps until we got past M.Neiva and pulled out a small gap. That left J.Vertanan, me and A.Pettigrew battling it out for 6th spot for the remaining 12 or 13 laps.
We were all pretty much bumper to bumper for the remainder of the race, and my numerous attepmts to get past J.Vertanen failed as he was holding a really good line down the back straight every lap, scuppering my chances of slipping past. Meanwhile, A.Pettigrew (who i was talking to on TS during the race) was struggling to latch onto the back of me every lap down the back straight, to keep up with us in his RAC.
So, i had to settle for a 7th spot finish in the end, but i'm more than happy with that because of the thouroughly enjoyable race.
Feature race wasn't very exciting for me, starting from 3rd of 4th because of the reversed top 10 grid, i was slightly battered and bruised after the faster guys had got back past me. There was an incident which involved me, G.Burton and K.Leu at T1. Basically we were going over the brow of the hill, 3 wide, with me in the middle and G.Burton to my left, we touched which sent me into K.Leu, knocking him off track into the gravel. Thankfully though he kept it rolling and carried on with his race.
I spent the majority of the race alone with J.Vertanan a few car lengths ahead, he slowly pulled away from me during the course of the race though, as i was for some reason half a second off my sprint race pace.
Anyways, another 7th place finish it was for me.
Hoping for more of this next round. This is what the RSC should be, and generally always has been. Although it was a smaller grid, i believe everyone out there was your typical gentleman driver, and this resulted in us not having any of the silly stuff from round 1.
Looking forward to round 3