If I recall correctly, some guy did over 17 minutes on 2 wheels with the XFG back in 2005-2006. He had some special arcade controller built specifically for the job.
That goes against everything I've ever taught myself. . . When the car tilts up I react too quickly to put four on the floor... I already know if I got the car up on two wheels, at a stable position and speed, keeping it there wouldn't be much of a challenge when driving in circles like you did. Drive a lap on a circuit with two wheels and I'll be very impressed :P Nice setup though, easy to get it started but my reaction always puts the tires down, and I don't want to train myself otherwise.
Damn, I just made 12 minutes 6 seconds...it will be absolutely difficult at the end when Your hands are getting tired :P but over 20 minutes is easily done if hands will not get tired off...
I have started to drive one lap in Fern Bay Club with XF GTi...Well, first of all it was going good, but last corners are going a bit downhill, there you need an extremely good focus and keeping a car as in right lane...
I tried other cars also, XR GT Turbo is very similar than XF GTi, only it is RWD and it's suspension is a bit harder to get stabilised while 2Wheel, because track is also a bit bouncy, car bounces also a bit and it is making steering harder, easily get's flipped off.
other GTR cars what I tried are not enough good to steer as outside, or they steer in outside but only about 2-5 degrees...Have to improve setups which is possible then to steer another direction. UF GTR and XF GTR did the best ones, but keeping it on outside curve of line is just asking skills and motive to train harder (or I have not tried them much)
with MRT5, no chance
I will make after school with Fern Bay Club with XF GTi on 2 Wheels, if I get success, then I try even longer tracks. Aston Grand Prix is quite ehh... impossible for me atm