Hello guys!
Didn't realise there was made a whole thread for this matter, found it just now after some rather random browsing on the lfs forums.. - And even though the thread is getting quite old, I gotta say thanks to all those who wished me well for last season
The team is however continouing the racing for 2011, with 6 scheduled races on the Nurbrugring including the 24 hours event. Any LFS'er who's gonna be present at 24th-26th of June is welcome to our garage for a chat, allthough there's a long time since I've been on any LFS server myself

I really had a great, though short time hanging out with members of F1RST Racing and SPDO last year, as well as other LFS racers throughtout the season - hopefully some of you are considering a return to the ring for this years events!
Anyways! The car we're racing is running in the so called "SP3T" class, which is racing prepared cars with 2.0L turbo engines, mounting ~ 350 bhp. Our TTS is now running for the 3rd conecutive year, and is extremely nice to drive. We're having a close relationship with LMS engineering which is owned by head technical director at VW Motorsport Andreas Lautner, and we took massive steps towards the front cars by winning the season-ender in October. The preparations for the 2011 season is well underway, and the team is currently mounting a slightly larger turbo to gain more time on our competitors. Gonna be exciting! First tests starts in the end of March.
Hope to see some of you in the upcoming races, would be cool
Oh, and yeah - here's an inboard vid from the season ender last year: