Hi, there, our trusted AirAttack team members and limads!
With the rising number of you and generally loose conditions for accepting new members (or rather community supporters, because we're not yet a proper team, whatever that means) and for giving out the extended rights certain problems appeared.
This post should give clear guidelines concerning team membership and extended rights usage on all AirAttack servers. Please read carefully and adjust your approach in case it is not in accordance with some expectations. Thanks!
Happy racing on a server that you help to manage. Thanks for your good work!
With the rising number of you and generally loose conditions for accepting new members (or rather community supporters, because we're not yet a proper team, whatever that means) and for giving out the extended rights certain problems appeared.
This post should give clear guidelines concerning team membership and extended rights usage on all AirAttack servers. Please read carefully and adjust your approach in case it is not in accordance with some expectations. Thanks!
- Be sure to read the server rules by typing !opt and clicking on Server rules button. Every one of the points there applies to you as well as to other racers.
- AirAttack founders never needed strong words, you do not need them as well. WTF and similar messages are not acceptable either. Either you know (or check from replay) who caused troubles and if that was on purpose and based on this you act. Or you do not know and such message is useless.
- Never use the extended rights for your own advantage, never force your will on most of other people. Do not restart race just because you or your friend crashed, let the majority decide. Of course there may be special situations requiring manual restart, but there were reports about clear restart abuse.
- Use kicks and bans sparingly, based on bad driving or behavior. Kicking or banning people purely based on !tm output is simply wrong. Watch such drivers closely, warn, kick, only then ban. Too many kicks and bans will eventually kill the server, so be reasonable and reserve lengthy (dozens of days) bans for hardcore crashers. Give newbies a chance, only if really necessary use very short ban.
- Try to keep generally good atmosphere on the servers. Be friendly to other people, do not humiliate anyone, and do not laugh at others. Be calm, ban crashers, but try to help other people that are just learning LFS. Do not escalate your private disputes with other drivers, back down if possible and necessary.
- All AA servers should be newbie-friendly, as much as possible. There are only a few pro drivers, much more average drivers and many many slower people with potential. Making AA popular among average/slower people is of prime importance. If you're fast, learn to expect actions of slower drivers, slow down if necessary.
- Generally you should understand the following: You have the extended rights to help to manage the servers and to enable others to have good and clean races. By getting the rights the AA admins put trust in you hoping you'll never misuse them.
- If you're AA team member wearing the [AA] tag, all the above applies to you with doubled force. You represent AirAttack for the outside and you must be seen as nice, reasonable and helpful person. If you're not able to behave according to AA principles, you cannot be AA member.
- And here's the necessary final paragraph. Any AA member/limad seen violating the above outlines and generally damaging AA can have his status lowered or be excluded from the team or removed from limads list without prior warning. Of course this goes also the other way: Very good people (and this does not concern lap time in the least) may get limad rights and have their status raised.
Happy racing on a server that you help to manage. Thanks for your good work!