The online racing simulator
#76 - joen
Quote from ajp71 :I actually found it very easy to get a line to run across it, takes a bit of guess work with no template though. Look at Quicksilvers skin for a guide as how to do it. Then look at the car in the viewer to check that your lines are going to work on the model.

Well, it's not exactly getting the lines to connect, you can figure that out with trial and error, but there are a couple of spots where one line would be perfect and the other line which it would have to connect to would get stretched thus not connecting properly (sidepod upper bottom for example, i don't mean just a line across the side or something) One pixel more or less makes wouldn't solve it. Dunno, it's hard to explain i guess
I've done quite alot of skins so I know my way around but some areas are a bit frustrating
But I'll work around it and simplify some things
Its not as hard as you would think, just needs a little longer to match up lines than the fo8. Here is my 2nd one done for another team mate, this time i actually lined stuff up first time which was nice It is similar to my last design, and took about 2 hours so its quite simple to do lines like that across the car.

Skin file: (private skin for use by ATC Stoney)
I actually find it easier to skin than the FO8. The only problem I have with it is 1024 just isn't enough to get good detail on it.
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resize it to 2048 x 2048 then. WHen youve finsihed resize back to 1024 x 1024. Easy.
Here's a little preview of my work in progress Not much more to do, but some details to add and bits to tweak I've tried to add a metallic effect to the paint too
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RB2 Preview.jpg
Quote from Greboth :resize it to 2048 x 2048 then. WHen youve finsihed resize back to 1024 x 1024. Easy.

That's not the issue. What I'm saying is that the way the car is mapped (because it's got a much longer wheel base) it could really do with higher res skins. I tred to think what sort of detail will be seen in 512 skins.
#82 - JJ72
posting the skin after some fine tuning with the template (great work for that btw)
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#83 - Jakg
load up BF1_default in the skin viewer, look at the back spoiler from below, and try to read the words...
lets just say i cant wait for the master skinners guys to release a template

ive gotten so used to skinning with their awesome tools that its hard to do it without, but im almost done with a bf1 skin that ive spent about an hour on that i think is quite effective.

some of the things people are making already is amazing
OK, OK. By popular demand, here's a public version of the Canadian BF1 skin. Feel free to put a number on it (not 71,) and/or your name/flag on the cockpit.
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#86 - JJ72
Quote from Jakg :load up BF1_default in the skin viewer, look at the back spoiler from below, and try to read the words...

LOL good find!!!!
@JJ72 - Thats a nice skin :Q
I was gonna do a template with the correct shadows after I've finished the Red Bull RB2
Quote from Gobby :Wooooo

Quick preview of what I've been doing for last few hours. Completely from scratch, I couldn't use my FO8 skins cos im working at 2048x2048 now.

Will be ready soon. Others will follow.


excellent !!!!
I wanna have that skin just to see it from all angles in LFS Viewer !!!!!

Time to show my private skin too then...
#91 - Shep
I hope noone was working on the Renault

Another hour or two and it will be done!

Nice stuff everyone!
Quote from Shep :I hope noone was working on the Renault

Another hour or two and it will be done!

Quote from Tweaker :RULES:
  1. ONLY Post Finished Skins

Kawasaki BF1 skin, I found it easy to skin this car by opening the BF1_DEFAULT file and setting the contrast to 100, gives you a perfect outline of the car.

Similar to my FO8 skin, but I actually put some writing on this one.
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Ok, cover your eyes


Free to use/edit, just don't remove the "created by" - text. Below are the 1024x1024 skin for LFSWorld and the render (thank you, Spurs ).

To download the skin, click the smaller picture, right click the picture that opens up and select "save as...". Save to your LFS/data/skins folder.
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A1 Grand Prix CZE
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The best (J-Pop) skin ever! Hehe.
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Quote from Lathafummi :Just corrected the rear wing and made a non tabacco version.

didnt they use something that sort of looked like barcodes to "censor" the tobacco logos instraed of writing mclaren on it ?
Isn't skinning fun?

Will release in due course
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Quote from Shotglass :didnt they use something that sort of looked like barcodes to "censor" the tobacco logos instraed of writing mclaren on it ?

Yeah but they also used the McLaren logo in 1991 and on some more after (dont know what years thought)
Skinning IS fun!

(If you're good at it )

Gobby, your FO8 skins were very useful in making this skin- some angles don't show up in the photos!
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BF1 Skins
(1668 posts, started )