Q: first XRT, satisfied.
Sprint: little bit unlucky start, I had a collision with one of the FXO's and fell to 8th. Anyway the rest of the race was great. My setup wasn't perfect at all, but about 10000% better then the one from the previous round. I should've used more pressure on the rears, it was very slippy from lap 6 even if I drove smoothly. Anyway it was a great fight with D. Lind on last laps, luckilly he didn't pass me.
Race: I knew my set needs some improvements, but I had no time. Racing was fine untill lap 7 when my tyres were very hot. I lost a few positions, but 6th place is good. I'm still learning to make a good longer distance xrt setup and this race has shown a good progress in that way. Hopefully I can do a competitive setup next time.

Grats to CoRe's double.