No, hotlaps with ABS will not count towards your required hotlaps. Rule 7.3 states "ABS is prohibited" which is general enough to cover both on server events as well as the required hotlaps.
If you don't want to overwrite a hotlap that you've made with ABS then just attach the non-ABS one here.
Edit: I see why you're asking, that's why I only counted your KY2 hotlap and not your AS2 one.
And to both of you I've seen the thread on, are you guys gonna get more on each team? If not you might wanna do what martinson said and join up to form a team or something. You need two to count for the teams championship.
Might be my fault since the old links pointed here, but please post your driver and squad applications in their respective threads. Also to sign up a squad you must have at least 2 drivers.