It's the little details like this that make LFS.
I was messing around in the CMX viewer after I'd finished my skin, and I notice that Scavier had gone put a plank on the bottom of the BF1, just like the real thing.
For those who haven't heard of the plank, it's attached to the bottom of every F1 car, and the thickness measured at the end of the race to make sure the cars aren't running too low to the ground. When ride height rules were first enforced, teams would still make their cars run extremely low at speed, but on the last lap the drivers would bounce the cars around on the kerbs to get them up to the legal height. The plank stops this because if the cars run low in the race, it scrapes on the track and gets thinner.
I wonder if plank physics are modelled? Will we see "legal" and "illegal" sets?
I was messing around in the CMX viewer after I'd finished my skin, and I notice that Scavier had gone put a plank on the bottom of the BF1, just like the real thing.
For those who haven't heard of the plank, it's attached to the bottom of every F1 car, and the thickness measured at the end of the race to make sure the cars aren't running too low to the ground. When ride height rules were first enforced, teams would still make their cars run extremely low at speed, but on the last lap the drivers would bounce the cars around on the kerbs to get them up to the legal height. The plank stops this because if the cars run low in the race, it scrapes on the track and gets thinner.
I wonder if plank physics are modelled? Will we see "legal" and "illegal" sets?