The online racing simulator
#51 - 5tag
Quote from jensbrix :To be honest i think the old system is better. I asked one of my friends to vote, and then he gave everyone 1, except for me which he gave 5, and I don't think it's a fair way to settle this, in comparison to if you have one vote to give.

That's a problem of public voting not of the system itself.
woot last lol
Quote from 5tag :That's a problem of public voting not of the system itself.

No, because in the old system, voting for another one doesn't mean a "deecrease" in voting for the other guys, which it actually did here. Well, that's just my opinion, I don't wanna have a discussion about it.
I think this new system is good. Thanks to everyone who voted for me, I got to say that the win came as a suprise. I've sent JO53PHS the theme for next week, I really hope this gets more attention than my last theme..