leagues and subsections
(700 posts, closed, started )
Well, I wasn't part of the last season so I don't really know, but I think everyone knew what that "B" means anyway. It's only name anyway, it doesn't mean you are supposed to bump and disturb the others cars.
hi I was wondering if i could get a subsection for my league.
League Name: GT3 Touring Car Cup.
(this can be subsection name)
only one date is confirmed as of now but it should be set very soon.
Please reply as soon as you can.
Test event starts in 2 weeks.
Look 9 posts above to find out the answer.
Hey Victor, just another request for you:

Could you create a subsection for the Fun Racing League, and add GreyBull [CHA], Lysergic and vourliotis as moderators.

Website is www.funracingleague.com.

Quote from boothy :Look 9 posts above to find out the answer.

am not asking you.
and league is "running" just set test race date the other races should follow...
and signups were opened so far a few teams have registered.
Victor, could a sub-forum be created for our Scrappy Standards League be created with myself and tmehlinger as moderators?

We will use our site sa-racing.net for updates/articles for this league. Dates are set, rules are set, I've just started a thread here to announce it.
Why are the previous requests without response and this one was done so fast?
For the record, I've sent two requests 2 weeks ago.

Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Victor, could you please create a sub-section called Tiger Express Events, and put in it the XFGTi Championship and the BnJ Revival Cup(present at iCON Racing Events) subforums? Then, could you please create a section called "Fall 2009" in both XFGTi Championship and BnJ Revival Cup sections and move all the existing threads into them? Could you then also add as moderators GreyBull [CHA] and Drift King CZ?

Website is http://events.tigerexpress.net/.

Thanks in advance

Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Hey Victor, just another request for you:

Could you create a subsection for the Fun Racing League, and add GreyBull [CHA], Lysergic and vourliotis as moderators.

Website is www.funracingleague.com.


I received no answer so far. To be honest, I didn't really bother until today. I just thought that, well, if our favorite dev was away on holiday, that's good for him! Still, I thought that he could have posted something on the forums telling to not except fast answers with the requests, but meh, I thought that he was just too busy to think about that, so I didn't really bother either

Now, this post, made 24 hours ago, is really confusing me:

Quote from Mustangman759 :could oscarhardwick please be added as a moderator to this forum

For the record, this request has been treated a few hours after it was posted, and oscarhardwick is now a moderator of this subsection.

Now I'm lost. What procedure should I follow to get my requests at least read, considered and answered? How many bribes should I give to Victor?
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :
Now I'm lost. What procedure should I follow to get my requests at least read, considered and answered? How many bribes should I give to Victor?

It is an old Dutch custom to send a man a horse's head in a box before he crates forum subsections for you.

Did you also know the Dutch enjoy talking to telemarketers?
Victor posted a while ago in here saying he was just going to ignore requests that were'nt "up to standard". Although he does usually reply if your request was successful.
Quote from J@tko :Victor posted a while ago in here saying he was just going to ignore requests that were'nt "up to standard". Although he does usually reply if your request was successful.

Right so clearly mine wasn't up to standard, I have no idea how to make it up to standard. The league is fully set (rules/schedule/server/website) which is what was requested, and still nothing. I've even got >10 people to sign up in the first few days.

Anyone have any clues to help me?
Well, there is said the league should be running, but GT3 was not really running before it got its own section so I don't know...
  • Tiger Express Events is currently running, and is holding 2 leagues which both had their opening season in 2009, and are both going to have two seasons in 2010. One of them(BnJ Revival Cup) even has opened their signs-up 1 week ago. The Fun Racing League has had 7-8 seasons in 2009 and 2010, has announced a special event and another season running on May-June. Both of them have signs-up open.
  • Tiger Express Events and Fun Racing League both have their own (currently up and running) website.
I fail to see what I did wrong there.
I don't understand either. I have something set up on our site exactly like how NDR does it (since we both use Joomla) for this league, signups are open, though we've never had any previous leagues which is really the only difference between us and TEM's stuff.
Apex Cup - Section
Hi Victor,

Could you make a section on the forum called 'Apex Cup' ? It's a new Live for Speed league.

More information can be found on our website: www.apexcup.net

Also, is it possible to add our banner to the forum?

Thanks in advance.
Attached images
I'll just try again, hopefully this will be more up to standards:

Hi Victor,

Could you please make a sub-section called "Scrappy Standards League"? This page will be used for the league. Could you please add myself, tmehlinger, z-ro 8, csf, and boothy as moderators?

Could you please move this thread into the sub-section?

Also could you please put up this banner linking to the sub-section?

Attached images
Quote from Scott Mckenzie :Hey Vic,

In the gtseries forum I would like to move the current threads to the season 1 sub-forum. I tried to do it but it won't let me. No rush, Thanks

hmm i wonder if you can try moving one thread only? Maybe you tried moving all threads in one go? (there's a difference. If moving one thread works but not multiple, let me know)
Quote from zeromussov :Hi Victor,

Could you make a section on the forum called 'Apex Cup' ? It's a new Live for Speed league.

More information can be found on our website: www.apexcup.net

Also, is it possible to add our banner to the forum?

Thanks in advance.

Quote from pik_d :I'll just try again, hopefully this will be more up to standards:

Hi Victor,

Could you please make a sub-section called "Scrappy Standards League"? This page will be used for the league. Could you please add myself, tmehlinger, z-ro 8, csf, and boothy as moderators?

Could you please move this thread into the sub-section?

Also could you please put up this banner linking to the sub-section?


ok both have been added.
(GreyBull [CHA]) DELETED by GreyBull [CHA]
Hello, Victor.

I don't know if it's that you are too tired of doing this all and you don't want to read a few last posts or if it's something different. No offense, but I just can't understand why the requests weren't even answered :/.

Year or years ago I requested for some league section and you clearly told me that the league must be already running as the rules in 1st post say, but I can't see that for example "Apex Cup" wasn't already running and you still confirmed it :/ (sorry, Bont). Yes, it's pretty much sure it won't be a fail, but still and also that "GT3 Cup" wasn't even running and it was accepted as well.

So, I don't know why wasn't the Bump and Jump Revival Cup accepted. The organiser also did most of job on organising the same thing in last year and it is already running, people are signed up and website works as well. Well, he (Greybull [CHA]) requested for whole events organisation section (Tiger Express Events), so if this is the problem, just say it, please.

And then the Fun Racing League which is already running for a looooong time and has the website as well.

Anyway, if you had the patience to read this all, thank you and here I request again.

Please, here it is. If the non-running XF GTi is a problem to get Tiger Express Events, please create only Bump and Jump Revival Cup.

Tiger Express Events (main 1st level sub-section, moderators for all levels "Greybull [CHA]" and "Drift King CZ")
General website: http://www.tigerexpress.net/events/
  • Bump and Jump Revival Cup (2nd level sub-section, already running, see below)
    The original section is here. Please move it into Tiger Express Events, rename it to "Bump and Jump Revival Cup" and create "Fall 09" section in it and move all the threads into it, except threads starting with "S10" (which means season 2010) and also "BnJ Revival Cup - Hall Of Fame", "BnJ Revival Cup - Website" and "Division B - Ballast system".Also, please add this banner to the forums? Link directing to http://www.tigerexpress.net/events/bnj-revival-cup/

  • XF GTi Championship (2nd level sub-section, not running yet, ran last year, was succesful - as you can see here, GreyBull [CHA] was pretty much involved in the organisation)
    The original section is here. Please move it into Tiger Express Events and create another sub-section in XF GTi Championship called "Fall 2009" and move all the threads into it. (management change proof - http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1375669)
    • Introduction
    • Rules (last season's rules will be used)
    • We have a calendar too, but not announced yet.

Fun Racing League (main 1st level sub-section, moderators "Greybull [CHA]", "Lysergic" and "vourliotis")
General website: http://www.funracingleague.com/
Info, rules,... everything is there.

I hope I haven't forgot anything. Sorry for my English.
Thanks in any case.
(GreyBull [CHA]) DELETED by GreyBull [CHA]
I'm not doing this anymore.
This thread is closed

leagues and subsections
(700 posts, closed, started )