Seeing as I am soooo bored with my time off work and this topic of LFS about LFS dying heres some old threads covering this issue, with last post date.
The Great Moaning about Updates versus Ethos Controversy
14th July 2008 13:10
Is it my imagination or are th ... online racers declining?
3rd March 2008 07:27
LFS nothing new for long time!
3rd December 2007 02:13
Ive been around for quite a while,as have many others posting in this thread God yes i get bored with LFS, as i do along with talking, eating, life, poeple, etc etc. But at the same time the pleasures I get outwiegh the negatives most of the time, Unless Its really bothering me.
This is what this thread is about, people are concerned about LFS, emotions heightened and opinions shared. I dont think anything is infinite, nothing itself may not be immune either. But this is the point things live and die, Peoples Interest may die becasue of developement proccess, but then again they may revisit. People also change and may never rekindle the flame that burnt previous desires to compete online in this Simulator. Life goes on.
The above threads I mainly highlighted because of the content, dates and overall relationship to the broad range of attributes that can be said to create this "dying" belief. People seem to be attracted to the game because of the community online. This Community that is said to be dying.
Life goes on in many ways, for some its other activities away from sim racing, or complete change of workstlye. For everyne involved in the community, no matter if a demo racer with his first post, or some world record breaker, a respected member of the forum. But Its different it has changed, its a little more organised and there are alot of active racers and leagues.
Public racing can be argued to be a little different and this is where confusion seems to be submerged.
Its 3 guys remember this, support them. I know without support and passion I dont get very far with things I try to achieve within my own life.
I know I dont get very far on the track without learning from my mistakes and patience with my vehicle and other racers.
Sometimes I do wish they would be more vocal at certain points within anythread that really would benefit from a voice from either of the LFS team.
But just look at thread title for christs sake, come on guys. You really think trying convince yourslef others LFS is dying, its changed the community has changed , old have left , waiting just just playing randomly some are still racing regurlary but not a high percentage (talking about 5 year + users)
But then again Im going from my buddy list and dont really add to many on there. 50 maybe? (will have to check)
I could spout out about he oil slick at the gulf, which is a far more important topic then this.
But Life guys sometimes it sucks and sometimes you wish you could live forever.
Keep the balance between what ever you love healthy or you will kill it, plain and simple. No matter your cat your car your life, or LFS.
Treat thiis forum like the track. Respect the races and rules and most of all the reason why the race is run. Otherwise the guru of blackwood Forest..
Seriously guys hes outhere somewhere Im sure of it ......