HARDCORE MODE ... please, give us ...
I dont understand this "visual" in a race-sim ( see ... Too Easy.gif )
It's so .... unrealistic!!!
Please give us the opportunity to choose an hardcore mode when we host a game, so to have locked in-car view and no driving aids

It will be a great think too, if rank "understands" if your lap have been played in hardcore mode
Attached images
Too Easy.gif
i play with that type of view.

you have to understand that you are seeing the "game" in a 17" screen with low FOV.

In my real car, i can see tons of thing from the inside. No problem what so ever. But in LFS (or any racing game), inside view is just too small compared to a real car inside view.
So, i compensate that loss with a "broader" view like the one you posted.
Err.. You want true realism view but XRR's seat isn't in the center of the cockpit.
i know
but untill i get the Matrox tripple head thingy with 3 screens, this is the closest way to the "feeling" i have in my car.
Your car is tech tuned as it has Heads Up Display.
#6 - ajp71
Agree with Valiant it would be a good edition to some servers running longer races (TC does not count as a driving aid in the F1 cars IMO).
i also think this view is quite realistic, it represents what you actually see most of the time when driving...
and onscreen display is neccesary to compensate for a lack of peripehral vision...okay it's not realistic, but still better than driving from the back seat....
I completely disagree with this hardcore mode everyone wants. There is no advantage to running LFS anyway you want with the exception of if there were driver aids. If someone wants to use top-down view, so be it. Sure he could see what is in the general vicinity around him, but he can't "feel" the car like we can in cockpit view with the visual cues of the environment moving around outside the windshield and the way the car / driver's head moves around from g-forces and such. If you want to get hardcore, then I say FOV should be forced at 60% like I use, because that gives you an accurate representation of you're actual view with correct perspective. But most have disagreed in the past because they can't see their mirrors or beside them as well. Well, I can't see my mirrors or beside me very well with my periferal vision when looking straight out the windshield and the perspective is all wrong, so 90% FOV is unrealistic and shouldnt' be allowed, IMO. Now that would get most everyone who wants hardcore mode in an uproar if they were forced to use 60 FOV.

It's all opinions on what is better and what is realistic.
it really would be good to have a "harcore" mode.. i thought they were gonna add it on this patch though..
By forcing cockpit, however much people bitch about it creates servers with people who race cleanly and puts off wreckers and so on. Most sims would set their hardcore mode up to force wheels as well. I don't think this would suit LFS, as some people can be not just fast but also safe with the mouse. Possibly a keyboard ban would be good though.
Quote from ajp71 :I don't think this would suit LFS, as some people can be not just fast but also safe with the mouse. Possibly a keyboard ban would be good though.

But some people can be not just fast but also safe with keyboard, too.
A choice not an obligation!
I dont want Crew change LFS in an "Hardcore_Mode_Sim" illepall
I'd like LFS Crew give us the possibility (like NR2003 for example) to host a game or launch an HotLap game, in Hardcore Mode .... if we want to.
Wanna play in Hardcore mode? OK ... you can!
Wanna play the game you prefere (external view, wheels view, with mouse, with Keyboard ...etc etc...)? Ok ... you can!
Nothing more ....
Of course "optymum" could be to get a Rank with specified if your game or lap been played in HC-MODE ( like Find the limit, for example).
Now we can see if an Hot Lap had been played with wheel or mouse or Keyboard.
Is it so bad we can see if a game have been played in Hardcore Mode or in other way?
A choice not an obligation!!
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
what does it matter is the physics, no matter where you feel comfortable to drive, to my eyes. The car will react exactly in the same mode, so if anyone want to drive an an unrealistic position it's up to them, they will "loose" a bit of their sim experience, but for sure doesn't damage the others sim experience, wich is what matter to my eyes
Quote from dylan :..... The car will react exactly in the same mode, so if anyone want to drive an an unrealistic position it's up to them, they will "loose" a bit of their sim experience, but for sure doesn't damage the others sim experience, wich is what matter to my eyes

Yep! Infact, if I drive my car with closed eyes or with opened eyes, my car will react in the same mode but .......

Its a paradox, but explains what I mean: there are for sure "visuals" improving performances (... does ne1 remember F10 in GPL?) and there are effective racing aids: driving with automatic clutch is "a little" more effective then driving with "realistic" manual clutch.
I'd like only a "way" so that anybody knows if you play with/without aids and which "visual" you play with
I like transparence ... ... and you?
How do i get that view? i have 2 widescreen TFTs and that would be great on them
move y x z bars in custom view
Quote from spyshagg :move y x z bars in custom view

... and you'll find "The Easy Way"
Quote from Vaillant :I dont understand this "visual" in a race-sim ( see ... Too Easy.gif )
It's so .... unrealistic!!!
Please give us the opportunity to choose an hardcore mode when we host a game, so to have locked in-car view and no driving aids

It will be a great think too, if rank "understands" if your lap have been played in hardcore mode

oh its not easy... but you wont feel claustrofobic trying to guess where the hood starts. In my real car i dont have to guess anything, i see it all from the inside. LFS (naturaly being on a 4:3 screen) doesn't provide me with that feeling, so, i compensate

for me, wheel view is more like "tradition" of car video games... but we, simulator guys, we have a wheel on your desk in front of us, right? so the cockpit view should be more upfront and just forget about showing the wheel.

like this:
Quote from spyshagg : ... In my real car i dont have to guess anything, i see it all from the inside ...

Maybe a " caterpillar " driver can see all from the inside but in a car ( expecially in a car like, for example, a GTR ) you don't see " all " in front of you.
Look at this ... with zoom
ok not all, but way more than the LFS cockpit (you cant see a thing past the cockpit)
i'm kind of a tall guy, so i dont know what shorter guys see in their real cars... i see most of the front hood, thats why i choose the view i posted in my previous post
I think everyone should be able to set up the view any way they want. We can duke it out with laptimes, not who has the most 'hardcore' settings.
i also use a custom view like the "easy" view in the first post, but this is the most realistic viewing angle i could produce. i have the wheel in front of me and the monitor about 60 cm from my nose. so i don´t need an extra wheel on the screen (yes i know you can turn driver/wheel off) and the viewing angles in cockpit view are not as good as in custom view. i tried cocpit view and messed with the the fov till it fits my wishes, but then i´m forced to use the virtual mirror, as i could see neither of the real car mirrors.
maybe that changes with the upcoming triplehead2go fom matrox, as this will finaly enable me to play lfs on three monitors.
forcing people to one view is not a good way in my opinion - they did this alot in nfs porsche, so sometimes i was forced to play in birds view.

if you like hardcore racing, just make up your private server and invite only people who are willing to follow your rules... that easy

peace mo

edit: didn´t see the "i like transparence", first. yes, that is something i can agree with - to know if there are driving aids used is ok. but in the end its up to the driver: some are fast with tc on and some are even faster if tc is off. would you consider forcing tc off , also?
Quote from molocco :... would you consider forcing tc off , also?

If a car uses in real life ABS and TC, in HCM (hardcore mode) YOU HAVE TO use ABS and TC .... simple.

If you know FTL http://www.findthelimit.com you can understand what I'd like to be LFS RANK
Quote from Vaillant :
Please give us the opportunity to choose an hardcore mode when we host a game, so to have locked in-car view and no driving aids

i'm quite agree