#26 - CSF
Hence why it will be AS7r.
I think you should keep So4R because it was the only track the FXR had a real advantage overthe FZR.......
compared to that, there are so many tracks with an adveante of the FZR.
Quote from CSF :If you drove IGTC 2010 I think that it's unlikely we will do very much, as let's be honest the standard is less than in previous seasons.

If as a whole the standard is worse, and you are driving in IGTC, shouldn't that still class you as an advanced driver? Unless your personal standard is worse compared to the other drivers in the race/ your team? At the end of the day IGTC is an advanced league, and just because the field is a bit weaker shouldn't see people getting past the 'Advanced driver rule'
#30 - CSF
No Seb, IGTC in the past may have been a stronger field, but if you look at it this season very few of the 'grandee' teams and drivers have taken part, thus judging it alongside 2008/2009 is rather misleading. It's rather like MoE in 10/11 is probably not going to have the same field as it did in the past, and quite honestly won't be the same.

Edit: Infact to get my point across a certain team that was thrown out of GTAL is driving in IGTC with pretty much the same drivers and is still causing carnage...
Quote from SCA-F1 :Not if you don't have Tøastgaard!

Bah, hopefully we can challenge you again even though we've lost Seb.

EDIT: Agree on the XRR, it's quite an inconvenient package for this league, and 24% seems a bit much IMO, but I also think FXR restriction is too high, we saw how crap that car was at every race.

You now have a Wilko to balance that out though
SR are going to come last, without any question or shadow of doubt, all because of me.
Quote from CSF :No Seb, IGTC in the past may have been a stronger field, but if you look at it this season very few of the 'grandee' teams and drivers have taken part, thus judging it alongside 2008/2009 is rather misleading. It's rather like MoE in 10/11 is probably not going to have the same field as it did in the past, and quite honestly won't be the same.

Edit: Infact to get my point across a certain team that was thrown out of GTAL is driving in IGTC with pretty much the same drivers and is still causing carnage...

Fair point, I can picture it all too well now
Hmm. The problems with XRRs are...
- Most teams don't drive them, rather prefer FZR so it looks like the XRR can never win.
- Seems like it gets damaged more than FZR after hitting an object or a wall.
- Gets stucked easier than FZR.
- Turbo lag -> lame at tracks with hairpins, slow, narrow tracks etc. The schedule is of course made to be balanced with both cars, but for example I think that the long Aston we have had was supposed to be XRR track, but due to the terrible wind, it was just terrible... maybe it's about the setup too, mhm, but meh. I think when the wind has wrong direction, it hurts XRR more than FZR... you have turbo lag and then you have wind behind you which pushes you to slide even more and hit the wall on outside of the turn. On the other side, it seems like the wind at BL1R helped more to XRRs.
AS2, and do it on a full moon so everyone's already fired up.
Quote from z-ro 8 :AS2, and do it on a full moon so everyone's already fired up.

Actually, there was a full moon on June 26, 2010. So hmmm.
woot to deko
Quote from dekojester :Actually, there was a full moon on June 26, 2010. So hmmm.

I got 6th place in an iTCC race on a full moon - it makes strange things happen :P
My winkie was bigger by 25% on full moon. It makes me think strange things.
I think the restrictions are fine. There wasnt many fast teams that drove the XRR. And imo, its easier to drive XRR than FZR, at least in GT1 that is :P Havent tried XR2 yet, but I expect it to be the same imo at least. But I guess that differs from person to person.
Quote from Tomhah :I think the restrictions are fine. There wasnt many fast teams that drove the XRR. And imo, its easier to drive XRR than FZR, at least in GT1 that is :P Havent tried XR2 yet, but I expect it to be the same imo at least. But I guess that differs from person to person.

All about setup.

And GTFO, you shouldn't be in this!
Quote from dekojester :

Schedule: AS5 or AS5R.

AS5R or AS6R I think you mean, and either of these two tracks would be quite challenging with the top speed -> 1st gear turn just before the hairpin around 2/3rds of the way through.
Quote from PMD9409 :All about setup.

And GTFO, you shouldn't be in this!

Sorry, just wanted to see if something new has happend. I'll gtfo.
In my opinion the restrictions are fine.
Like Tommy said, mostly no one here were driving the XRR GT2. But i think it is easier to drive. But like the most in our team i think many otherteams have the same problem that the most who driv FZR in GT1 they drive it in GT2 too.

Last year K O Keefe were the fastest XRR and beat the most FZR´s. So is it really that slow as the most say? MoE last Season an XRR were 3rd in the overallstandings in GT2. They had 24%+10kg. And for them it was they first ever Enduranceleague. But also there it was the only XRR because the most teams thought FZR is still better.
Sure it has a little advantage but if you give XRR23% you´ll see the same as last year before the season. There it was with 23% and the XRR were fast as hell.

In my opinion it is still only the setup and almost the driver. And who said it is an amateur league. hmm Yes it should be but if you´ll drive the xrr over the season you get experience and normally you´re a bit faster after the season.
XRR is almost as fats as FZR but there are more FZ2 set than XR2 (but if we visit some new track, it's not such a huge problem). ANother thing, sometime FZ2 can't do 1h30 a stint whereas XR2 can so maybe FZ2 is faster for 1 lap are better with tyres, but XR2 is more reliable ! And as we saw in MoE with City liga, it can be on the top !

E-Team gonna be there
I can drive for the next season ?
Guys you've missread the title. It is not "unite your split up team here."
Lower FXR restriction
Quote from Bmxtwins :Lower FXR restriction

This was talked last year, FXR haves 23% restriction, cause its easier to drive than XRR and FZR. +1 for that tho that XRR have 23%, than not 24%
Quote from Bmxtwins :Lower FXR restriction

You could drive with 10% and you still wouldn't beat the FZRs.
Maybe the restrictions could be +-1% on some tracks to make it more balanced, but that might be a bit weird.