I stand correct I guess, Mr.Dicks4life.

On more serious note, uhm.... Honestly I have no idea.
I guess your best bet would be to finish what you can to the highest level in NZ and then move abroad.
"At best all there is to do here is work a pointless 9-5 job for the rest of your life, live in a modest looking house, drive a reasonably tidy looking ford mondeo or toyota camry (currently drive a toyota estima eggvan, for taking the guys out to parties, hauling bass gear etc.) and get on the piss every weekend..."
Doesnt sound too bad. Good life.
I guess you mean that it sounds boring. Same routine day in day out. Well, I got some bad news for you... Honestly no matter what job you take in the end, or whatever route in you life, it will be the same. Thats how I see it anyway.
What difference it makes if you do a 9-5 in NZ with your friends, or do a 24h shift working on an F1 car? Sure it will be more "fun" and enjoyable, but I think after a while it just becomes the same ol'.