Hahaha, the midway point. I like it. It is really rare that you'd use such slow RAM on such a good CPU. It probably won't cause a problem, but slow ram is probably bottlenecking the CPU because of lack of memory bandwidth.
The fact that you are using, from the sounds of it, generic - brand RAM doesn't seem like a good idea. I'd suppose that running at least name brand ie. Corsair Dominators, etc, would do you good. Because the RAM is slow enough, the least you can do is run dual channel. That would boost the bandwidth, and you should see a performance gain on top of the new CPU. Stability should also come your way.
I'd say that you should run off one DIMM for now, to see if it is actually the RAM's fault. Still exists, maybe they both are faulty, and maybe go and buy the cheapest name brand RAM there is to double - check. If running just one (either DIMM) isn't the problem, I'd run the better quality one, or if both are generic, the faster one, until you can gather enough money for a set of two DIMMS for dual channel, or an exact replicate of the DIMM you want to run in dual channel.
Hope this helps.