Add on Tracks?
(37 posts, started )
Add on Tracks?
Has any one created ported offical tracks into LFS?

(past and future)

cant do it, its all hard coded into lfs
no. And there won' be any until the devs release the tools for it. Which won' happen until S3 is released.

EDIT: pwned
To my knowledge, they already have the tools for it.

But there not releasing them until Live for Speed S3, As you can agree on.

But i think i would be right in saying it will only be for S3 license drivers..

Quote from Sinister747 :To my knowledge, they already have the tools for it.

But there not releasing them until Live for Speed S3, As you can agree on.

But i think i would be right in saying it will only be for S3 license drivers..


I they'll release any kind of tools, expecially for tracks, but i expect a quality control check from the staff for avoiding the mess that i see in rFactor for example.

I've converted many tracks for the gMotor engine from F12002 to GTR and rFactor (Imola, Misano, Rouen, Fuji...) , and honestly, i feel the lack of real tracks (a bit), the fantasy stock tracks are really nice, i love Fernbay.

'Around' there are a tons of real tracks but i've no hurry to see them il LFS, the only thing i expect, if any kind of devkit will be released in future, is the possibility to get decent conversion/scratch tracks, but with a quality check from the Crew.


Quote from Sinister747 :To my knowledge, they already have the tools for it.

But there not releasing them until Live for Speed S3, As you can agree on.

But i think i would be right in saying it will only be for S3 license drivers..


If they'll release any kind of tools, expecially for tracks, i expect a quality control check from the staff for avoiding the confusion that i see in rFactor for example.

I've converted many tracks for the gMotor engine from F12002 to GTR and rFactor (Imola, Misano, Rouen, Fuji...) , and honestly, i feel the lack of real tracks (a bit), the fantasy stock tracks are really nice, i love Fernbay.

'Around' there are a tons of real tracks but i've no hurry to see them il LFS, the only thing i expect, if any kind of devkit will be released in future, is the possibility to get decent conversion/scratch tracks, but with a quality check from the Crew.


er.. i dont even want to imaging what it will be like if they release tools
Quote from Sinister747 :To my knowledge, they already have the tools for it.

Well of course they do, how else do you think they would make changes to tracks! LOL! illepall
Quote from wheel4hummer :Well of course they do, how else do you think they would make changes to tracks! LOL! illepall

Well how do they make cars illepall, You think every race simulator in the world has an easy to use program to make tracks?

Answer: No, they use Modelling Programs, However the developers of Live for Speed are "Supposed" to have a easy to use program to edit tracks.

Did you notice that everyone who PURCHASED the game, didn't get real smart and post back crap, however you the DEMO RACER just had to get smart didn't you?

Here's the deal, Buy the game, i will take your insults, but if your gonna sit on the forum and bitch about every single post, then you need to get your bolts tightened.

-=DR=- Sinister747
You sir, are an idiot now. Especially seeing that he is mailing the money to me, for me to buy him the voucher, so He soon will be S2 registered, not one of the Backtalking demo'ers, like you think he is.

Also, the LFS Devs HAVE made their own app to make tracks, so IN YOUR FACE.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#11 - Gunn
Quote from Sinister747 :
Answer: No, they use Modelling Programs, However the developers of Live for Speed are "Supposed" to have a easy to use program to edit tracks.

They have their own modeller and format and no they don't have an "easy-to-use" program to edit tracks. If they wanted to allow the public to create thracks they would then need to develop an "easy-to-use" version of their existing tools.
Quote :
You sir, are an idiot now. Especially seeing that he is mailing the money to me, for me to buy him the voucher, so He soon will be S2 registered, not one of the Backtalking demo'ers, like you think he is.

Also, the LFS Devs HAVE made their own app to make tracks, so IN YOUR FACE.

Tell me how many DEMO RACERS on LFS are total retards? They come on the official forum bitching, Maybe an idea for your friend, there is this thing called a Signature he should put in there he plans on getting LFS, Im not a F**king pychic now am i?

And what you mean

Quote :
Also, the LFS Devs HAVE made their own app to make tracks, so IN YOUR FACE.

That is what i was saying you idiot, i said to my knowledge they have made a program.. So what you mean in my face? how so? I said they did you tool.
Quote :
They have their own modeller and format and no they don't have an "easy-to-use" program to edit tracks. If they wanted to allow the public to create thracks they would then need to develop an "easy-to-use" version of their existing tools.

By Easy To Use, i ment for the DEVS it is easy to use, But fair enough flame me for one little sentance.

No Modelling program in the world is easy to use IMHO, But for people who are experianced in 3D Modelling, i would guess it is quite easy.

Sinister747 (I Sir, am a Idiot)
..3d modeling is only as hard as you make it
70% of the time its easy, 20% of the time you get confused on what your trying to accomplish, and 10% of the time you just plain arent sure and.. move on and come back later
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Especially seeing that he is mailing the money to me, for me to buy him the voucher,

Well, erm... eventually I will...
First, sorry for my poor english.

I think devs must create and release NOW ( not at 2012) a devs-tools for the lfs comunity.

Why? because there is other sim-games with this feature for the modders, good merchandising for the game!

i mean.... for example Rfactor - 245653 cars, 235343 tracks, and more and more and more....

gtr... the same, etc etc...

lfs?? nothing for the comunity and the game have "released" too many years ago. The lfs players need more tracks and cars! If developers dont have too many time, give us the dev-tools!! we can do the job.

Lfsworld could have 2 parts.... the official tracks/cars with their user times, stadistics etc... and the unofficial parts, modders tracks/cars etc....

I dont like gtr, or rfactor. I prefer lfs physics!! but im bored to play always the same tracks and cars, i want to create my own tracks and cars!! why developers are so closed?? This featured (modding) always is good for the game and merchandising!

But not... we must to wait until 2012 ( or more...) to have S3 and the dev tools..... it is a stupid situation!!

well.... sorry for my english

see u guys!
Prepare your flamesuit my friend >_<
Quote from hrtburnout :Prepare your flamesuit my friend >_<

hahahhaa why my friend? are u agree with my post? i think it isnt mad words... I know the game only have 3 developers, but.... maybe it is a good reason to give us some "modders kit" or similar. I think the development is being too slow, too bad for the proyect.

I think we need more tools to improve the game, and the development of the game.
No, we have very much cars/tracks already. This will end up with 300 servers, each one having it's own configuration. Which is...
Quote from Lible :No, we have very much cars/tracks already. This will end up with 300 servers, each one having it's own configuration. Which is...

much tracks, only 6 physical tracks? at 4 years of development? oh my god, u are really less objective!

how many tracks have rfactor? gtr? ehh... toca3 ?

i love this fuking game. It is the best simulation game i have ever played. BUT the game MUST be more big. It needs urgently more cars and tracks, and better whether developers bring us tools for create more tracks and cars.

if we have to wait until 2008 or 2009 to have S3 completly released.. pffff what a shit!
Quote from xXxKOKExXx :hahahhaa why my friend? are u agree with my post?

We're all friends here
It's clear that there will be no track add-ons until S3 is released.
If the devs release tools, it will be a disaster. "Tun3Rs" "Ricerz" and release after release of the same car to fix bugs, not to mention they all need to be upgraded with every single patch.

Look at how fragmented the rF community has become. Too many options, it's nearly impossible to find a pickup race anymore.
Quote from xXxKOKExXx :First, sorry for my poor english.

I think devs must create and release NOW ( not at 2012) a devs-tools for the lfs comunity.

Why? because there is other sim-games with this feature for the modders, good merchandising for the game!

i mean.... for example Rfactor - 245653 cars, 235343 tracks, and more and more and more....

gtr... the same, etc etc...

lfs?? nothing for the comunity and the game have "released" too many years ago. The lfs players need more tracks and cars! If developers dont have too many time, give us the dev-tools!! we can do the job.

Lfsworld could have 2 parts.... the official tracks/cars with their user times, stadistics etc... and the unofficial parts, modders tracks/cars etc....

I dont like gtr, or rfactor. I prefer lfs physics!! but im bored to play always the same tracks and cars, i want to create my own tracks and cars!! why developers are so closed?? This featured (modding) always is good for the game and merchandising!

But not... we must to wait until 2012 ( or more...) to have S3 and the dev tools..... it is a stupid situation!!

well.... sorry for my english

see u guys!

Stupid idea now if the LFS is not finished yet.
There will be coming more physics updates,sound egine updates,graphic updates.
Dont mention please rFactor.You might have "- 245653 cars, 235343 tracks, and more and more and more...." but the quality is practically most of them pretty bad.Thats what most LFS players doesnt want at all.
If you dont like LFS dont play it.There is not just 6 tracks,there are many configurations which looks pretty different not just different way config.
(spsamsp) DELETED by spsamsp : Rubbish
Quote from xXxKOKExXx :First, sorry for my poor english.

I think devs must create and release NOW ( not at 2012) a devs-tools for the lfs comunity.

Why? because there is other sim-games with this feature for the modders, good merchandising for the game!

i mean.... for example Rfactor - 245653 cars, 235343 tracks, and more and more and more....

gtr... the same, etc etc...

lfs?? nothing for the comunity and the game have "released" too many years ago. The lfs players need more tracks and cars! If developers dont have too many time, give us the dev-tools!! we can do the job.

Lfsworld could have 2 parts.... the official tracks/cars with their user times, stadistics etc... and the unofficial parts, modders tracks/cars etc....

I dont like gtr, or rfactor. I prefer lfs physics!! but im bored to play always the same tracks and cars, i want to create my own tracks and cars!! why developers are so closed?? This featured (modding) always is good for the game and merchandising!

But not... we must to wait until 2012 ( or more...) to have S3 and the dev tools..... it is a stupid situation!!

well.... sorry for my english

see u guys!

Sorry, but if you want to flame some DEVS and make us want to feel the same as you do, then you've got another thing coming... Please don't ever say anything like this again, the DEVS work hard and you just throw it back in their faces!!
A few months ago i would be of the same opinion, we need more tracks.

But something has happened and the fact that the same thing has happened in the various games i run suggests its not a coincidence.

I've narrowed it down to the following results of my experiences.

In Toca RD3, and even RD2 i found the number of tracks appealing, but through the time of playing i founf i was really only playing the same tracks, around 25% of the total number of tracks.

Trackmania Sunrise and Nations has an unlimited number of tracks from its community, so many in fact that its pretty much impossible to play them all. This lead to having that somewhat feeling of constantly missing out on something for the game. As such i stopped playing it when Toca RD3 came out.

LFS has only a handful of tracks, yet im not getting bored of them, i wondered why and its got to do with the quality of the track over the quanity.

We will always want more than what is available but we should try to look at it differently. Be thankful for what we have got. We could only of had 4 tracks to play with.

Releasing the tools for us to make tracks will certainly lead to fragmentation of the game and its community. I've only been here for a short time yet i can already appreaciate the tightnit feel of LFS experiance and i for one do not want to see anything changed.

That being said i am sure there's an opportunity for the devs to bring in extra tracks though another means all in the name of expanding the game and its experiance. What that may be i don't know, an add-on all-together maybe, i don't know.

For now though i'm more than happy with my purchase of the game and its content and shall remain so for a long time.
Quote from XCNuse :er.. i dont even want to imaging what it will be like if they release tools

i agree, how will you get the tracks online?
well, you could have a track download when you enter the server

Add on Tracks?
(37 posts, started )