Can be done without mysql or any sql too. Prism is both the insim controller and the webserver (or data provider for some external script or application), so you don't need any storage in between.
There is currently in game access via prefix chat commands, via the "/i" interface, and via the "/o" options command. Outside of the game remote console rights are given to admins who have the ADMIN_RCON flag, and can then telnet into the server, and issue commands directly. And we lastly have the Web Interface that Vics working on. This is of course besides the PRISM console itselfs that allows for keyboard input directly into the program (only on linux, windows user have to back telnet into their own console).
Picked by the community, MIT came out on top. Could not be happier with that result as I voted for it as well and I said all along thats what I had hoped for. So yes, you can do anything you want with the PRISM source code.
Yes, you can do that four ways. Add the user to the users.ini file, and issue the "!prism admin reload" command or restart the server. In server "!prism add admin <username> <accessflags>" (doing "!prism add admin" will bring up a button interface for adding admins based on the current players in the server and your admin level.), adding them via the web interface. Adding them by the PRISM / remote telnet console. Some of this has be implemented some of this has not. All of what's needed should be there by the time we get to 0.6.0 (pretty far into the future.)
Great, I can't wait for more input.
Yeah, so much to do, so little time!
As long as JavaScript can listen, we can just push the updated information into the client's page. Every time we get a message packet, we forward that to the admins page.
Yeah, that's a reallly good idea. Along with a flag for allowing one admin to make another. (But can only grant up to the powers that he has.)
/wind= no / yes : can guests vote to kick or ban
Autocross layout commands :
/axlist get list of layouts for track X - e.g. AU1
/axload load layout X on host
/axsave save layout X on host
/axlaps set autocross number of laps
/axclear clear layout
ADMIN_HOST; Flag "h" - Allows you to change the way the host runs.
Simple commands with no parameter :
/restart start a race
/qualify start qualifying
/end return to game setup screen
/reinit total restart (removes all connections)
/clear clear all racers from list
/weather= weather : 1,2,3 in Blackwood
/cars= see below : "Car Strings"
ADMIN_IMMUNITY; Flag "i" - Immunity (can't be kicked/baned/speced/pited and affected by other commmands)
ADMIN_LEVEL_J; Flag "j" -
ADMIN_KICK; Flag "k" - Allows admin to kick clients from server.
/kick disconnect user
ADMIN_LEVEL_L; Flag "l" -
ADMIN_MAP; Flag "m" - Allows you to change the map (track) on the server.
/track= track and config (e.g. BL1 / SO3R / FE4)
/tracks= set list of allowed tracks
ADMIN_LEVEL_N; Flag "n" -
ADMIN_LEVEL_O; Flag "o" -
ADMIN_PENALTIES; Flag "p" - Allows you to set a penalty on any client.
/p_dt give drive through penalty
/p_sg give stop-go penalty
/p_30 give 30 second time penalty
/p_45 give 45 second time penalty
/p_clear clear a time or pit penalty
ADMIN_RESERVATION; Flag "q" - Allows you to join in a reserved slot.
ADMIN_RCM; Flag "r" - Allows you to send Race Control Messages.
/rcm set a Race Control Message to be sent
/rcm_ply send the RCM to USERNAME
/rcm_all send the RCM to all
/rcc_ply clear USERNAME's RCM
/rcc_all clear all RCMs
ADMIN_SPECTATE; Flag "s" - Allows you to spectate and pit a client or all clients.
/spec make user X join the spectators
/pitlane send user X to the pit lane
/pit_all send all cars to the pit lane
ADMIN_CHAT; Flag "t" - Allows you to send messages to clients in their chat area.
/msg send system message
ADMIN_UNIMMUNIZE; Flag "u" - Allows you to run commands on immune admins also.
ADMIN_VOTE; Flag "v" - Allows you to start votes for anything.
/vote= no / yes : can guests vote to kick or ban
ADMIN_LEVEL_W; Flag "w" -
ADMIN_LEVEL_X; Flag "x" -
ADMIN_LEVEL_Y; Flag "y" -
ADMIN_LEVEL_Z; Flag "z" -
Take a look over the list and let me know what commands should be moved into other levels, or what should be moved into their own levels. I'm thinking of putting track into it's own level and anything to do with tracks. Also thinking about setting cars with it's own admin level. What do you think?