The online racing simulator
Why you should never use pirated software.
(114 posts, started )
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :Who cares a shit about your pc specs!?

Nobody should even care 1 bit.

I'm just explaining this sir that it's not myself I'm talking about.

And the way you posted your reaction, shows that you are pretty immature, same by the way counts for the person that I quoted.
Might be, and I accept it. But majority of your posts shows that you are retarted.
(rockclan) DELETED by rockclan
You think I care what you have?
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :You think I care what you have?

I wouldn't even want a ahole like you to care about me.

But just so you know that I'm not retarded.
Quote from rockclan :I wouldn't even want a ahole like you to care about me.

But just so you know that I'm not retarded.

Well stop with the drama shows then.
#56 - aoun
Well this topic went inevitably feral.
Quote from rich uk :Well this topic went inevitably feral.

With Cockclan, it's inevitable.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :With Cockclan, it's inevitable.

lolz you just called yourself a cock lolz rofl rofl rofl
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :lolz you just called yourself a cock lolz rofl rofl rofl



Really Tomba? Lay off the sauce please.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :...


Really Tomba? Lay off the sauce please.

I though I belonged in cockclan but now I'm quite disappointed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Other than sharing truth. That's what my signature is for. Truthing.

Don't listen to me, I'm always wrong.
i guess i can do that
What in gods name on mother earth just happened here? Now everyone has annoying bouncing siggies!

I can't beat them...

Joining i am then
i took the ones that hurt everyone's eyes out...more?
Quote from logitekg25 :i took the ones that hurt everyone's eyes out...more?

Get rid of it all. Nobody cares that some lowlife donated you a licence. Just have the TRR bit atleast if you have to.
Quote from 91mason91 :Get rid of it all. Nobody cares that some lowlife donated you a licence. Just have the TRR bit atleast if you have to.

Really dude calm down, So he didn't buy the game himself?! CHILL! Good god i'd hate to be your wife
mason. just stop. your OBVIOUSLY really cool sticking it to the "5pamm3r!!11!"

so anyone except mason have a problem with my current sig?

and TVE is probably the nicest guy on the forum. never seen him seriously talk someone down, unlike you who every post i can see on this page is you just being a wanker. he has contributed more money to LFS then almost any other forum member that im aware of. and he is funny.

Lol, everyone think i am angry.
Quote from TehPaws3D :Good god i'd hate to be your wife

I can't imagine Mason wanting you to be his wife unless you were to get in that kitchen and learn how to make the haggis, neeps and tatties to perfection for his supper! He's obviously a cranky fellow so you better learn fast.

I say we quit this arguing, and go acquire some software. Either via legal or other means!
Quote from Gills4life :I can't imagine Mason wanting you to be his wife unless you were to get in that kitchen and learn how to make the haggis, neeps and tatties to perfection for his supper! He's obviously a cranky fellow so you better learn fast.

Cranky fellow ehh? And whats with the stereotypes? I hate haggis neeps and tatties. I do enjoy my stovies though so cook them good and i'll consider a date.
Quote from 91mason91 :Cranky fellow ehh?

No.. not at all

Quote from 91mason91 :And whats with the stereotypes?

OH GOD please don't hurt me :scared:
Pic related

Why you should never use pirated software.
(114 posts, started )