The online racing simulator
Tricky Truck
(130 posts, started )
You don't have permission to access /trickytruck/ on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Am I the only one having this problem?


Quote from :
It's not just you! looks down from here.

I blame SeaNanners again
Tricky Truck website appears to be down atm
Can someone find me a tricky truck dl please? I don't know which sites to trust and my firewall doesn't usually save me
Author of this game is personally responsible for me screwing up all the exams this semester, 'cause that's exactly what's gonna happen if I keep shaving off tenths of seconds from by best times. This game is just so awesome, if only there were more levels to beat...
It's just as bad as Minecraft
Quote from DieKolkrabe :It's just as bad as Minecraft

In other words, it's a small simple, but VERY addictive game, but if you screw up, it can make you really mad.
Exactly that

(added to which you missed liable to screw you over at any moment)
Quote from MadCatX : if only there were more levels to beat...

There are user made levels also, and a level editor its at the top of the screen.
I know, but custom levels miss the thrill of competing the other players'
just uploaded a new track, nothing too difficult but it will be interesting to see how fast people can get on it.
death slope 8th place woo!

I don't see S3 coming soon.
actual LOL
It can be anyone but still funny
Well it could be but at least they are from GB too :P
Could be proxy though, and sadly there are people who would go to such lengths to pretend they are someone else
If you coded all day you'd wanna have some fun here and there too!
Does this remind anyone of Trackmania? Multiplayer is definitely a must for this neat little game
Quote from Sueycide_FD :Does this remind anyone of Trackmania? Multiplayer is definitely a must for this neat little game

very different from TM.
speaking of it, need to reinstall that >_>

multiplayer would need different challgenes though (more like races or such, not short point to point challenges).
#71 - Uke
I just uploaded my track called ShortTrack byUke. Go try that one =)
Nice track Uke!

Please, try nr. 76 Bumpy turnaround!
#73 - PoVo
Quote from Amynue :*GAME LINKS AND STUFF*

YOU SHOULD BE BANNED FOR RUINING THE LFS COMMUNITY Oh wait, all the Devs and Mods are playing Tricky Truck... Never mind...
play on hard, with inside view, i made roof and walls on purpose, because everybody's using outside view, and it's shit.

Tricky Truck
(130 posts, started )