LFS fictional cars vs real world cars.
Does anyone else now find themselves having more of an endearing attachment to the cars in LFS, than the real cars they could have been?

To put it another way. There are some cars I can look at, and think "bad ass!". Especially some older cars. EK6 Civic. The older shape RX-7. Some Porsches etc.
When I first got LFS, I was disappointed that these cars I loved weren't in it. I'd bought games before solely because of what cars were in it. I even bought GT5 Prologue JUST because it had an RX-7 in it

But now, I've noticed I'm getting that same kind of feeling for some of the fictional cars in LFS. I think the XFG and XFG GTR is a great looking hatchback I'd love to have had. I think the FZR is stunning.

It's got to the point that when discussing cool cars with friends, these cars just pop in to my head, but then I realise I can't mention them without seeming (being?) retarded

Anyone else wish some of the cars in LFS were real?
#2 - e.M
yep, i want to open my company, create xrt, sell it and advertise as a best drift car
I think XRG/XRT is based on an old Celica, with a few tweaks like the light size and front radiator grill.

4th Generation liftback? I walked past one the other day and instantly thought, XRG!
I know they're loosely based on real cars, but so are a lot of real cars too. FC3S RX-7 for instance was a rip of of a Porsche that came out at nearly the same time.

OK then, if licensing was gotten, and the car models were changed to the real cars that they were based on; so for example, the XFG becomes a Punto or something, the XRG a Starion, FZ50 a 911, would you miss the old original cars? I think I would.

I think the XFG (two avatars above this post) looks more 'iconic' and awesome to me, than any hatch of the era of which it looks like it was made.
Agreed that XFG is great. But I could have done with a Focus whan I was learning for my test.

Not that in any way I condone using LFS to learn how to drive . Even if I did pass

I suppose that's why Gran Turismo is so popular. It's probable that your car is in there, so why not drive it round the Nurburgring? Or drift it without having to pay for tyres?
Quote from McGherkin :I think XRG/XRT is based on an old Celica, with a few tweaks like the light size and front radiator grill.

4th Generation liftback? I walked past one the other day and instantly thought, XRG!

based on the starion

#8 - add38
Quote :
On what cars are the LFS cars based?

LFS currently features several licensed real cars:As for the fantasy cars, the following is NOT an "official" list nor a "based on" list, just observations of what the cars may look like by several forum members.XFR, UFR, FXR, XRR, FZR are GTR versions of the road cars, the latter three resembling cars racing in the now defunct JGTC.

http://en.lfsmanual.net/wiki/F ... re_the_LFS_cars_based.3F
This is getting way off topic...the question was how would you feel if the cars in LFS were real? We all know they're based off real cars, but they're not exact copies.
I'd miss the FZR, but not the FZ5. The '5 would look better if it were a little more compact length-wise.

The XRR is another one I find looks as good as any real racer.
Having not driven a lot of cars I find that when I do drive something new I instantly compare it tot he closest thing in LFS

BTW RAC = omg i had no idea it was real!!! I can't believe people actually drive those crazy things!
I actually like that most of the cars in LFS aren't real. Reason: a game/simulation will never be as real as a real car. So...I never want to spoil either the game/simulation OR the car when I finally get to drive one in real life. Either it will be better than it was in program, or worse. But never the same. Imagine if we had a ex. Honda Civic in LFS. And you had never driven a Honda Civic. And you fell in love with it. Then you find one in real life...and are disappointed. Then you blame yourself for not having the ballz to drive it like in LFS. Then decide its because you can't adjust a billion settings like in LFS and splurge on $$$$ suspension. End result: you're broke and disappointed. Thats a madeup scenario, but I can imagine that it could happen. Certainly I've heard it before "I finally got to drive a ____ and it wasn't at all like it was in ____ !!!!" Same goes for real tracks as well. Thats why I do NOT want the Nurburgring ported to LFS. Make up a new 20 mile 200 corner track (seriously, PLEASE!?!?!?? I'm bored with the current tracks).
ya for sure, any track beats the same track but seeing a track thats been done to death would kill it for me

Eagerly awaiting your requested 200 corner monster :P
I would love to own a FZR or XRR in RL. XRT too.
I always thought FXO/FXR is 5th-gen Accord coupe, XRG/XRT/XRR is RX7 FC3S and Formula V8 is Honda F1-2007E2 Racer




Don't you think that BF1 looks more similar to Honda's F1 car than FO8 ?
E: Indeed, BF1 ain't fictional car at all :P
neither are the lx's.
I would love an lx4 in real life (exactly the same as lx4 in weight and power)
what about an mazda rx-7 fc for the xrg(t) ?! imo it looks quite similar

i also think, that the fz5 front (and even the back) looks kind of a ferrari (espacially the rearlights)

Miami Mortgages (davesmith2288) DELETED by SamH : spambot
Quote from rich uk :I would love an lx4 in real life (exactly the same as lx4 in weight and power)

wish granted

#25 - yayd
who know how to put back real lfs car