At a net bandwidth of ~480kbit/s, which is what your 512kbit/s uplink boils down to, you can host for 10 players at best. That's if you dedicate the line to LFS hosting and doesn't include the additional bandwidth used by an InSim app.
A. Hosting should be done on a dedicated server, that way it will not interfere with your current laptop necessities. (you're on wireless amirite?)
B. Know what your limits may be.
C. First step is admitting your problems.
D. If you are going to be advertising for free hosting, you are going to get many requests. It's kinda like saying FREE FOOD!!, and only serving 1 person, slowly.
E. You're insulting some members.
the dedi your server is on is not on my home network. the network the dedi is on has good internet and i wish i could run that to my house. my home network is horrible internet and bt blocks port 80 outgoing (not on my side) so there is nothing i can do to host servers from home.
look at my home internet speed it is horrible i have posted the dedi internet too so show the difference between home hosting and dedi hosting(dedi is slow atm because of a few reasons)