Have an autocross-hit-cone style small 2 second race persistant penalty for a hit of a certain magnitude, against the car that's further behind only when the yellow flag isn't active.
It would encourage people to hold until a reasonable "safe" overtaking opertunity, and would discourage the person from being overtaken to side swipe into the corner blindly.
If a yellow flag is being waved then the rule would be void as you could be about to plow into a spun out guy.
Just an idea. Could be completely flawed but it would be good, even if it was an optional server setting.
It would be too difficult to lay blame on who was the hitter and who was the victim. This problem has been discussed at length before with points being uploaded to LFSWorld and a ranking system of sorts. It would be the same thing as what was discussed before.
I don't know though, would some system be ok if you assessed blame always to the guy behind as everyone pretty much agrees that the guy behind is normally at fault for contact? Perhaps something tied into lines in the corner so it could lay blame to whoever closed the door on someone as well?
And what if the guy behind tries to pass on the straight next and the car goes aiming for him on a straight? Thats what happened to me the other day. He said sorry but still. Your system would blame me.
Or about cars going 80km/h in a blind 180km/h corner. Same again. It would blame me. illepall
Wouldn't it yellow flag that situation? Or does that only happen when cars are going REALLY slow or stopped?
If not, then you'd void the penalty if the difference in speeds between both vehicles is a certain value, and it carries on to be a normal crash as it currently is.
I'm not trying to propose a fool-proof system to make everything perfect. Just something to make people think about their actions more, and hopefully not penalise the wrong guy.
As for the side swipe done by the guy ahead, I guess you could give the penalty to the guy with the highest lateral speed in relation to the racing line/track?
So if you're going faster along the track, and are beginning to overtake someone, and he swerves into you, his lateral speed would be higher at impact, therefore he gets the penalty.
I've no idea how LFS has been programmed but the things I've mentioned are simple rules.
Have an autocross-hit-cone style small 2 second race persistant penalty for a hit of xxx magnitude:
a) against the car behind if the difference in speed between the two parties is less than xxx mph, and yellow flag inactive
b) against the car with highest lateral speed in relation to racing line when side-on-side impact above xxx magnitude is detected
Condition A ensures you're not penalised if you plough into someone who just spun out.
Condition A ensures you're not penalised if the person ahead is going considerably slower than you, on a blind corner for example.
Condition B ensures you're not penalised if you're behind, and the player infront swerves into your path.
Condition B ensures you're not penalised if you're holding a line through a corner, passing or being passed, and a player side swipes you
These have been formed with this as a basis:
The first rule in particular as alot of racers I've met seem to think the opposite, and that they have immediate right of way. The xxx value of magnitude would have to be tweaked to allow an acceptable and entertaining amount of paint swapping and grinding
My suggestion is to penalize anyone in an accident. Because both drivers need to take care.
Just don't penalize them too much. 3 seconds would be a useable penalty anyone can bare, even if the programm accuses you of an accident you didn't cause. Of course penalties only aply when the attained damage is bigger than a specific treshold.
Also cutters can be penalized with this 3 second-penalty.
Also, of course, the penalty-system needs to be controlled by server-commands, so leagues can disable them and review the game manually.
Penalising both drivers could result in it being exploited, regrettably the fact that it could be exploited means that it would be.
However getting a reasonably good penalty system is possible, i've seen it in other games in the past where it was reasobly reliable (cant recall game(s)).
I think the key is to check which car was behind a few seconds before the point of impact, so that some of my rather insane locked wheel dives would be attributed to me and not the poor schmuk I just ran off the road .
Invariably the person behind is at fault, but there are times when the car infront is to blame, checking who has the inside line is the key here.
I suggest that the game works out which car has the shortest distance to the next corner apex, and this is the figure used to determine who is behind. This would fairly well predict who has right of way for most circumstances.
What's more it's a quick calculation, just a regular range check.
var distanceX,distanceZ as float
distanceX=carX1position - apexXposition
distanceZ=carZ1position - apexZposition
distanceToApex=sqr( (distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceZ * distanceZ) )
To check which apex to compare against given that the calculation is only initiated on contact I probably wouldn't keep a live track of next apex, instead just find the closest apex within 180 degrees of the cars forward facing.
I like things that get collected, for example points, I like it because then it would be possible to set limit to server, you can't enter unless you have less than x/xx/xxx amount of hits per 10/100/1000km or so.
System should be so that first 1000km are freezone, not calculated, also this should be put so that server is not reporting points collected unless option set to yes, that is because cops and robbers or other fun forms, you are not to be penalized if you are allowed to hit, right?
In most situations it is two drivers needed for crash, I personally have avoided quite amount of crashes by braking and giving space, but sometimes there is situtations where I have crashed, for example when I was overtaking and other racer closes door, too bad he hits my rear tire while doing so, but then it is collision that my car took part and I would get collision point from that, no problem there.
Those that are careless will get more points then.
I think this system would be fair and quite easily implemented.
About explotation:
The only ones who would want to exploit this are wreckers, because all other people fear a permanent ban on their license.
So if there is a wrecker who wants to wreck you, why would he bother to get you a 3 second penalty if he could just bump you off the track and end your race alltogether?
It's not a catch all, fool proof system. Just one that's reasonable, one step closer, and hopefully wont affect the victim.
It's not to stop complete morons, as they are complete morons.
It would stop the people that can race, but do it carelessly and selfishly so they can show the world how awesome they are...
The proposed system, along with Becky Roses input would make it so being carefull and thoughtfull about their passes not only benefits the guy in front, but also benefits them. The fact it benefits them will make the system work, for the simple fact these people care more about themselves than having a good friendly race.
For what you want to archive. You dont need a penalty system. You need something more strange like realistic damage like seen in netkar.
OR if you wanna go with penalties I would imagine a weekly incident counter which gets reset after each week. Then your name above your head turns into red. So everyone will know you are PKer.
Honestly no I dont want anything that sticks forever in your stats. Thats crazy and sooner or latter it will penalize you for others mistakes. You just cant get anything like this 100% working.
In the situation where you said if you try to pass and he closes doors onto you. You would get penalized for it. Now thats again an exploit because people will start doing this and none will risk a pass anymore. Finish the race as you qualified. Also like said I'm fine if it gets reset by end of the week but not with anything what sticks.
My suggestion wasn't a permanent record, just a race long time penalty like when you hit a cone in autocross. Just enough to stunt someones lap time through being impatient, or cost them a few final positions if the penalty is made more severe.
This sort of idea has been thrashed about in this forum and RSC over the years trying to find a solution. The problem is always blame.
In a number of the hardcore mode threads I have raised the idea of .
- No mid race join.
- No jump to pits button
- New retire from race button.
- End race only allowed from people active in race.
- No reset car button.
- Start race only works when no active race.
- Auto retire from race if wrong way or not moved in X seconds/mins etc
So if you crash in T1 and it puts you out of the race then its tough. You have to watch and wait for the next race before you can join again.
This might have the effect of making people realise a race lasts longer than T1. After a few T1 smashes in a row and a lot of waiting for the next race they will get the message. Also as jump to pits is gone you either limp your car to the pits or retire from the race.
We have car damage so its time to make people care about if their car is damaged