Some new and some mentioned in the course of other threads, but thought I'd group these requests, as they're all server related. Most are trivial to add, others maybe more complex.
Green have been completed by Scawen.
Blue are new.
Note all suggestions should be dedicated server related.
Green have been completed by Scawen.

Blue are new.
- Server description/info/banner on connect.
- Extend/Customise Server message at runtime.
- Display Pitstop count of competitors. (0.5X)
- Set max connection latency or TTL to prevent teleporters from hindering other racers.
- Console command to show client info (ping, IP, version)
- Ability to lock view to "in car" only. (Patch 0.5X10)/fcv=yes/no
- Retry connection to master server if offline periodically.
- Localized Server browser. Server option to dictate what master server to advertise on. EU/US/AU/NZ etc.
- Server list filter. (Track/Layout/Lap) and Favourite filter.
- Limit Driving aids, such as traction control etc.
- Limit Controllers allowed. Wheel/keyboard/mouse only. 3 Peddles or H shifters only. (can be done via InSIM)
- Enforced setups. Lock to default/standard/factory setup or lock out particular setup changes.
- Starting grid configurable. (IS_REO to do via Insim; buttons added to connections list in lobby to add to grid, and move up/down added to grid list in lobby) -
- True Console mode (CMD Windows Style) allowing piping of IO to the console.
- More time when the Server makes a Restart.
- Limit Reset Car availability. version 0.5X
- /racestart=rolling/standing
- /Reset=yes/no/<+seconds>/<-laps> Resetting to pits with time penalty or stop go
- Restart limits
/rstmin=30 (in seconds, no change)
/rstrace=2 (in laps, votes allowed for the first two laps then blocked)
/rstend=60 (in seconds, no change)
- /repair_in_pit=full/minor/body/engine/no
- /autokick=x mins to kick idle spectators.
- /pitwindow=<laps> /pittyres=<laps> /pitfuel=<laps> where laps configurable range of laps (2,8,12-18)
- /strictpit=yes/no Option to enforce pit lanes. (crossing white exit line = stop/go)
- Remote ban list loaded via ftp or http central repository.
- Ban by IP address.
- /closepit=yes/no (+inSim): Close/open the pit lane. Who enters the pit lane while it is closed is forced to spectate (Does not affect joining players, but they need to stop at pit exit or they'll be spectated.).
- /permaban USERNAME : Permanently ban an user from the server.
- Dedicated server version auto update.
- Minimum driver skill level (PB>X can join else spectate)
- Dictate start type. ( Beginner (1st gear)/Neutral (ability to jump) with threshold) - Jump start v0.5W9
- Allow admin to end qualification early.
- Per server advertising textures. (Now editable locally 0.5Z)
- Allow admin to send messages, even if blocked.
- Allow admin to block lobby messaging. Reset at session start.
- Global option to block messages during race/qualify.
- AI
- Run on dedicated host
- Add guest AI post track load. /ai
- Ability to enter garage/join race/vote while clients are connecting. (Much better since >0.5X)
- AI Pitting
- Server Side AI (Pace/Safety car)
- Option to block AI players
- Run on dedicated host
- Connection limits
- 40 players since 0.6H. 48 Connections Total.
- Allow more than one client to connect at once. (0.5X Has connection queue)
- Abililty to add more than 3 guest (player + 2 x AI)
- /adminslots=x to reserve slots for admins to connect. (added V3)
- More spectators
- 40 players since 0.6H. 48 Connections Total.
- InSim
- Damage reported via insim.
- Packet to limit number of allowed pit stops/tyres-type/fuel changes.
- Packet to reset vehicle with option to repair or notAdded in 0.6J, IS_JRR can reset a car to a specified position in any state
- NCN Packet to to provide client IP address.
- Ping/Latency, not just a "oh this person is lagging" flag.
- Ability to send setup from server to player (to help people not familiar with track they got on)
- InSim to report if a hotlap is valid or not
- Damage reported via insim.
- Config option to limit number of allowed pit stops/tyres-type/fuel changes.
- Published RACE ID (in log) to cross reference results with LFS world for championship.
- Visible Stamp Time and Date in MPR + server name (IP).
- Server to save mpr's locally after each race for exporting via http. (0.5X)
- Multi Level Admin's with configurable access.
- Marshalls password would be alternative admin password. /Marshallspassword=<password>
- /Marshalls=<playername1>,<playername2>,<playername3>...
- Command bitfield in cfg to dictate available commands
- /Marshallcommands=00110101 ;allow restart,kick,change track+cars)
- Marshalls password would be alternative admin password. /Marshallspassword=<password>
- Connection List to indicate Admin (level) status. Other admins see who is admin in connection list
- /cars command effective immediately. (Can be achieved with /cars + /spectate )
- /include=commonsetup.cfg directive for including common setup.cfg configurations across multiple hosts.
- /kick /ban and /warn to accept optional "reason"/code to be displayed to players.
- /kick /ban and /warn to accept optional "connection number" to assist with extended/complex names.
- Finer control on vote types to allowed (/vote kick, restart, ban, qualify).
- Finer control on track/laps selection /selecttrack=yes/no /selectlaps=yes/no /midracevote=yes/no
- Hostname change without restart of server.
- Per Server garage backgrounds.
- Vote on Allowed cars
- Command to set vote threshold.
- Admin command to set Vote timeouts
- Admin command to cancel/reset votes (/cv = cancel vote /ck = cancel kick)
- Proxy support for connection to other servers to facilitate mass viewing.
- Server browser to list properties/capabilities
- Legend:
- -V you may vote
- -S you can select tracks
- -Q race qualify is enabled
- -P private host
- -R Host is connected to the InSim Relay
- -F Forced cockpit view
- Legend:
- Custom server filter to identify drift only server etc
- Detailed server log file (added in V2)
- Client setting changes
- Server setting changes
- Insim debugs (option)
- Option to Log Invalid packets (Insim or client)
- Date/Time + seconds
- Client setting changes
Note all suggestions should be dedicated server related.