there we go. and now everything starts, in what i wrote. Awesome
Quote from birder :Why is everyone so pleased to get this news from Scawen, its what he has been saying for about 2 years.

Please exclude me from your wide generalization. Not pleased at all. Ty
Quote from broken :Start doing your homework if you're so bored.

Just sad we have holidays
I think the most important things LFS needs now are tracks. If possible, some real wolrd tracks too (Rockingham should be ready for now). Because the lack of new tracks (and maybe some cars) is the main reason for many "old" LFS racers to leave LFS. Including many of the best racers too! And almost all of them are migrating to iRacing... Even if iRacing's physics (including tyre physics) can't reach the quality of LFS's (yet), and the behavior of the car doesn't feel so real. (Don't mention rFactor, it's so much worse in feeling, and it can never be as well organized as LFS or iRacing, because of modding - here again, the only things I would allow to mod are tracks, but you don't have to agree with me in this )

With some new tracks, LFS devs can only win. They won't get as much "attack" they get now, they'd have more time to develop new physics and other tech stuff in the background and they'd have more money (and money==time too ), cause there are still enough players who would pay for new content (I think the number is continously decreasing, maybe I'm not right).
And this would also be good for different LFS leagues, because less top racers would leave, and more top racers mean more motivation for all of the others.

Quote from Makinen :Even if the patch came out today, LFS would still feel aged as hell and obsolete, even if the nice physics (i don't want to say the best because we don't know if it would be better than nkPro, iRacing or rFactor2) kept some of the interest alive.

I absolutely don't agree with this. LFS's graphics is still enough for serious racing (if you want eye candy, go for some arcade stuff). Physics is still the best (maybe iRacing can be the biggest opponent here after some development - and they're developing it). And from the view of a programmer, LFS has a big advantage over all other sims, and that's InSim.
Quote from mdmx :Imagine it like that the rim is trying to rotate, torque is applied, and that the tyre is glued to the surface.

That's very close what happens really, torque is applied into the rim and friction between the tyre and surface converts angular torque into linear torque, which accelerates the car. If you accelerate the gum is flatten in front.

If you brake it's flatten in rear, this time the rim want's to stop and the tyre want's to keep rotating.

So it's accelerating clockwise (or braking counter-clockwise).

That's what I would say if my english would be better, thanks for explaination.

Quote from Bokujishin :In case some people still doubt the wheel is rotating clockwise, here's a proof:

Here is another video in a bit better quality and with better lighting:

Quote from vistaman :I hope, with that, we can improve your thinking about us!

LFS - Drifting is in OUR hearts!

That video clearly proves that tyre heating and hot tire physics is completely wrong in the current LFS tire model. Thanks for the bug report, Scawen is already on it as you can see in the report.

Quote from mihu86 :I think the most important things LFS needs now are tracks. If possible, some real wolrd tracks too (Rockingham should be ready for now). Because the lack of new tracks (and maybe some cars) is the main reason for many "old" LFS racers to leave LFS. Including many of the best racers too!

Report clearly says that Eric is working on more S3 content so what's your point?
(Amynue) DELETED by Amynue : h
Quote from vistaman :... Please, stop telling us that your work is close to be finished! WE CANNOT BELIEVE YOU. You told us that the Scirocco will be released at December the 19th, 2008!!. And now?? IT'S STILL NOT released. And we're not happy about that. All we want is that you release some kind of beta, or atleast!, im repeating, ATLEAST a video or some screenshots. That would be good enough to keep our heads up. IF you have problems, why don't you just take some help of good coders?! I'm sure there are many people that would help.

I know the days, when i started to play LFS, (in year 2005). I had alot of fun. Servers were full, people were kind to everybody, nobody was complaining about something.

Now, have a look of these days! All you read in the chats is, insulting, complaining, reporting somebody. It just makes no fun anymore!

I wish you would understand it... Merry christmas and a happy new year...

P.S: That "Merry Christmas" in the Server list wont make us happy. Just let you know.

Just leave LFS then and don't continue with that shit you're trying to say.

I'm sure you never raced in leagues like the GTAL or MoE, otherwise you would know that LFS is still great fun although S3 or the scirocco haven't been released yet.
If Scawen posts, the inevitable response is "ZOMG, it's not released yet!". If he doesn't post it's "ZOMG, the dev team have given up on LFS!!". It's unpleasant that these are the sort of posts I have come to expect to see in this forum. Personally I find that the fact that he has gone to such lengths to model tyre behaviour is the exact reason that I enjoy LFS above other racing simulators. I don't want to pretend that I'm racing on track X with car Y, I just want to race. The physics therefore are the most important aspect to me. I can't wait for it to be finished and released but it's a simple fact of life that I have to. It doesn't impede my life like it seems to with others who simply cannot function until it's released. When the update is here I will know that it's been researched, implemented and tested with care and a degree of quality I am unable to find elsewhere.
Quote from Flame CZE :Yes, but isn't it because the wheel is spinning? But I am confused now :P

Quote from Amynue :Here is another video in a bit better quality and with better lighting:

If I'm not mistaken, accelerating, with or without spinning, produces similar forces on the tyre, and Amynue's video shows an almost no spinning example.
Timo, stop being a smartass. Even tho, im not a Racer, I'm a Drifter. You're just mad because im telling the truth. Look what people are writing. It's actually exactly the same. And dude, I DONT REALLY CARE about leagues, just because you're participating that stuff, it doesnt mean you're the king of whatever you think. Keep talking cool storys. It's just some kind of "lol" that is happening here
ohhh! vistaman, search another game then .
First of all,
it makes no sense to read your replys. If you're a racer, go race, if you're a drifter go drift. But still, we just want to have some news. That's all im trying to tell, and then you guys "E=MC²" (smartasses) come, and tell my that im telling pointless stuff?

Wow, you gotta be kidding me then.:stan:
Yes dopii here's an example of E=mc2
For instance, in one kilogram of pure water, the mass of hydrogen atoms amounts to just slightly more than 111 grams, or 0.111 kg.
Einstein's formula tells us the amount of energy this mass would be equivalent to, if it were all suddenly turned into energy. It says that to find the energy, you multiply the mass by the square of the speed of light, this number being 300,000,000 meters per second (a very large number):
= 0.111 x 300,000,000 x 300,000,000
= 10,000,000,000,000,000 Joules
Great news.
Can't wait how the new LFS will feel like
(RasmusL) DELETED by RasmusL
Quote from Drift King CZ :
Can't wait how the new LFS will feel like

Totally agree

I think thats the reason why we getting mad at everybody
Quote from vistaman :First of all,
it makes no sense to read your replys. If you're a racer, go race, if you're a drifter go drift. But still, we just want to have some news. That's all im trying to tell, and then you guys "E=MC²" (smartasses) come, and tell my that im telling pointless stuff?

Wow, you gotta be kidding me then.:stan:

This thread, you are posting in. Is news.
Yes, to be straight, with no smart assing (aka arguments): What you are saying, is pointless. Happy now?
Quote from vistaman :Totally agree

I think thats the reason why we getting mad at everybody

Please don't post in the forums during your period, then. Thank you.
And, please, stop using the word "we". It's you.
yea iight, keep talking bla and bla. Talking to low brained people is not fun anymore. Ima end this here.
Quote from vistaman :Talking to low brained people is not fun anymore. Ima end this here.

Yes nobody had fun talking to you, bye.
Thanks for letting us know that LFS is still alive. I'll wait patiently for S3.
Im pretty sure that S3 will be a milestone for LFS. Scaven is clever guy. He knows what's behind it. Best physics in simracing world will attract real-world car companies to show their cars in game. We can expect more real content after S3. Unreal? I don't think so!
thanks scawen.
Quote from lionee :Im pretty sure that S3 will be a milestone for LFS. Scaven is clever guy. He knows what's behind it. Best physics in simracing world will attract real-world car companies to show their cars in game. We can expect more real content after S3. Unreal? I don't think so!

Unreal ? No! But would you want to advertise your car 2 years after putting it on the market ? NO!
Why not? this car is still in the catalog and they want to sell it

hey wait a minute, I wonder if all this silence before this report was not related to keep secrecy from concurrence. It seems that the tire physics update use milestone calculation methods for a racing simulation. Do the devs have something big hidden behind them?

It is a supposition, but it's probable, so from now i'll stop moan an wait&see
Quote from Scawen : This thread is going to be here a long time

Happy to hear that! :-)
Thanks for the long-awaited report anyway...
Quote from Fonnybone :Oh man, Scawen. What to say...

For starters, there are still many of us who remember the very beginning of this game and will always hold LFS very dearly.
It was back in, what was it, 2002 ? Back then it was one of the most realistic sims evah ! I still play from time to time
and im always amazed at how natural it feels. Sure, the tire physics arent perfect, nothing is, but the whole 'game' has always
felt natural to me (the gui, the online racing, the setups, the multiple options, the close contact with the devs, the community
well, the old

A vote for LFS is a vote against deadline-driven faceless global companies buying each other until they merge into this one big
ugly entity sucking the life out of us. Forget about technical support. Just format, reinstall or buy a better PC. With this comes
compromises many are not willing to live with. Many have gotten used (or were simply not alive before that..) to this instant
society where you can blame others for your impatience. That's a shame really, because many of us can asure you, happyness
doesnt come from instant gratification.

I for one feel lucky to have found LFS when i did. I've always felt priviledged to be part of this community ( although my
beginnings were disturbing to some..) and i'll continue to support the devs whatever they ultimately do with LFS. Sure, its
easy to sit here and bitch on a forum because you didnt get the xmas gift you wanted. Then again, did you act nice ALL
year ? Really ? What about those 'links' i see in your browser....mmmm. I thought so.

So, yeah, of course i'd love to have ANY 'alpha', 'beta', 'test' patch. I mean, that's always been a part of LFS, the constant
progress and the feeling we were part of it. That is, unfortunately, the thing i miss the most. This tyre physics is a pandora's
box ( it is even for people MAKING real tyres...). While i doubt Scawen can't attain the level of perfection he is aiming for in
reasonable time, im sure he knows that and will eventually find a compromise he is confortable with. When that day comes,
i'll still be here and i'll be happy to go online and try it . :P

Until then, Scawen, Victor, oh and Eric (we barely knew ya), i wish you a happy christmas and a happy new year. Take a
break from the stresses of LFS, go drift your cars in the snow while NOT visualising the tire and what it must be doing
(im talking to you and let the ingrate kids complain, they always will.

My hero.

Nice piece of text, and good advisory.
Quote from Kristi :*Scawen
Unreal ? No! But would you want to advertise your car 2 years after putting it on the market ? NO!

Yep - Scawen, sorry my mistake

Producers always need to advertise their products. Thats why eg. Coca-cola is still advertised despite that 95% of people knows this drink. There is always a "risk" that someone get a thought "Hey! this car is handling really well! I buy real one!".
This thread is closed

Progress Report December 2010
(1653 posts, closed, started )