The online racing simulator
Right this is defo the last one on this......

I guess the Warehouse must have changed, back in the mid-late 80's it was THE Goth club to be seen in, was maybe Friday or Sat night, can't remember, but birth'd all the great Goth bands of the time, Sister's of Mercy, The Mission, and many many other, that have now escaped my memory (it's late and i'm tired) was kinda like the Leeds Hacienda

But you being a mear kid, i guess you'd be far to young to remember all that stuff.

Anyway, thats all ancient history, time for some modern stuff, (now where did i put that Stone Roses CD?). Actually, i really recommend a new-ish band called Clearlake, there signed to The Arctic Monkeys label, but are much much better, check em out esp their newer stuff .

Cheers Bud
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Isn't it interestin gto observe how even an off-topic thread can get off topic?

I guess everybody finished Armadillo, then? I'm the only stuck guy around?
I'm stuck trying to buy the damn thing...
Me too. I want to throw my money at those guys but they just won't let me.

I'd like to see Armadillo 2 where the little chap is a brittle shell so dropping too far will cause him to splat. Would add another dimension to this great little game. How to catch gently protecting from long falls.
Im still around too, stuck on level 43
I no how to do it (as in make it break) but i can do it )
Quote from Greboth :Im still around too, stuck on level 43
I no how to do it (as in make it break) but i can do it )

I couldn't get breaking to work either, so I did this. Still investigating the breaking method though.
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(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
If you put a sling round it and weight it, then attach a rope, the weight of the sling drags it off the top; the rope swings it straight round and into the blue zone. (not my solution, btw, but a neat one)
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Yeah, thats the solution on the website - I tried it, but I've saved money doing it this way.
i've done it with a sling to ... however only $14 left
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lvl 43.JPG
all done

How about this? Would this work or be in budget? (Can't try out at moment....)
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Came up with this, can't do it much cheaper I think
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Yes you can!!
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Beat this!
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Such expensive solutions, keep it simple.
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(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Sorry, off topic again

Kev, Just try and click on the media player, you can hear albums in full from all the latest "hip" indie bands, some good stuff on there, you have to register, but its free, so np.
As far as Clearlake are concerned, the new album Amber is abit hit or miss, when the're good the're really good, check out the new single Neon, but there's some ropey stuff on it too, but there still new, so are still kinda finding their identity
Such unneccesary use of brute force

(added lvl incase you dont believe it works )
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Level 43 - Cascade.43a.rar - 1.5 KB - 180 views
Quote from Mazz4200 :Sorry, off topic again

Kev, Just try and click on the media player, you can hear albums in full from all the latest "hip" indie bands, some good stuff on there, you have to register, but its free, so np.
As far as Clearlake are concerned, the new album Amber is abit hit or miss, when the're good the're really good, check out the new single Neon, but there's some ropey stuff on it too, but there still new, so are still kinda finding their identity

You know there's a function for personal messages right?

Anyway, this is a great little game isn't it! I'm pretty useless at coming up with decent, inexpensive solutions, but it's a lot of fun...

This is my current favourite
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That's neat.
MAde some savings on Level 48, I had (yet another) timed rocket drop ($180 left) replaced with a long ribbon of tensioned cloth = $810 left. I can't get it any cheaper than that.
i'm stuck on hill 2, but i don't want any hints.

i'm just complaining.

stupid armadillo not getting high enough up to teleport

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I couldn't buy this game for a whole week now.

finished it at 540, but i need to beat filur so i'l give it another go later.

cool game indeed, i also liked bridgebuilder alot.
A whole weekend of tryin to complete one level without being to ask for help on here.
So PLEASE can some one post how to do elvel 46 - raise.
Quote from Greboth :So PLEASE can some one post how to do elvel 46 - raise.

Rubber, tension, big crashy noises from the starting platform, bit of airtime, catch at portal.

Awesome little physics based game
(312 posts, started )