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Android tablets are ready for primetime
(80 posts, started )
Android tablets are ready for primetime
Yet they still will offer the horribly disjointed user experience that Android gives.

It's OK, I can see how being clumsy to use could be a selling point.
As someone who uses Android daily I don't find it to be horribly disjointed at all. I also use an iPad daily. They're both fine platforms.

Honeycomb looks pretty amazing from the preview video.
What the hell. They put dual cores in these things now?
Yup, phones too.
Yes. New android phones, with even less battery life!

(As I now go 2 days at a time before charging my iPhone)
Dawes shut the f**k up and stop whoaring everything that isn't apple. It was boring 2 years ago and ..........yes it's still dull crap now.

That is all.
If you're going two days to a charge on the iPhone you've either got all of the radios off, screen at lowest brightness setting, and are using it only for 10-second calls twice a day, or you've got one of those external battery packs. And I'm not even sure option A is possible.

None of the dual core phones have hit users' hands yet and their battery life is unknown, so save it until the reviews hit.
Nope. Active texting, brightness 50%. Obviously not using it at night and it'll last 2 days.
My Droid Incredible last 3 days as long as I don't surf the interwebs and play Solitare or Teeter all day.

Oh, and I leave my phone on all night. Beat that Apple lover!
my crappy 10$ walmart phone can last 5 days on one charge.
my blokia gets 3-4 days on a charge, it is my ipod, it is ringing all day, but wifi does drink battery charge, no worrys i got a spare battery on me at all times

as for tablets... their a gimmick, like laptops, i understand the purpose... but most folk who need a laptop on the go i know use pda's/phone/ paper + pen

onobdy ever moves their laptop, so the tablet will be near the same
I am not sure why people think tablets are new. I used to have a ballin' HP tablet back in 2002 and it was already old by then. Was great and when I got bored of Windows I hit up Linux then realised it had limited support and went back to 'doze.

Apple have some how managed to sell crap old hardware in a shiny box and make idiots think it is some new revolution. My old HP tablet was better equipped than the iPad. My XDA IIi was better equipped than the iPhone and yet when they were new cost half as much as their Apple cousins.
My 8 year old siemens, now running on a new battery, can last over a week between charges. Monochrome screens ftw!

More on topic, nice to see the Xoom supporting a bunch of audio codecs I've never heard of but not something free like Ogg. What good is a 720p display and H264 video support if all my media content will be played back mute?
#15 - Jakg
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I am not sure why people think tablets are new. I used to have a ballin' HP tablet back in 2002 and it was already old by then. Was great and when I got bored of Windows I hit up Linux then realised it had limited support and went back to 'doze.

Apple have some how managed to sell crap old hardware in a shiny box and make idiots think it is some new revolution. My old HP tablet was better equipped than the iPad. My XDA IIi was better equipped than the iPhone and yet when they were new cost half as much as their Apple cousins.

Specs = / = a nice to use device.

Android is a GREAT OS. Far, far better than iOS in functionality... but it's just too slow. Despite the power all the new phones have, they all seem to have a little annoying delay doing some things... whereas the iPhone / iPad just don't.

As for the XDA... it's Windows Mobile 6. It doesn't matter if it had an i7, it'd still be horrible to use.
Quote from Jakg :Specs = / = a nice to use device.

Android is a GREAT OS. Far, far better than iOS in functionality... but it's just too slow. Despite the power all the new phones have, they all seem to have a little annoying delay doing some things... whereas the iPhone / iPad just don't.

As for the XDA... it's Windows Mobile 6. It doesn't matter if it had an i7, it'd still be horrible to use.

Rubbish, they were fine to use. The functionality was there as well which is more important to me than some shiny buttons and a aluminium case which is "really cool design". The delay in most new phones is down to a heavy reliance on Java, which is an appalling shame, it might work on every platform, but so does anal sex, that doesn't make it a good choice.

I will admit that WM6 is not the most intuitive bit of software in the world, but it got the job done until I mothballed the phone a few years back.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Yes. New android phones, with even less battery life!

(As I now go 2 days at a time before charging my iPhone)

Ten hours sounds completely reasonable. Even on a 24 hour flight from Melbourne to Istanbul, where you can't do much else apart from stare at the seat in front of you- I'd imagine most people would only be able to watch 2 or 3 films before they'd had enough.

Quote from Bob Smith :nice to see the Xoom supporting a bunch of audio codecs I've never heard of but not something free like Ogg. What good is a 720p display and H264 video support if all my media content will be played back mute?

This is something I'm unsure about with iPads. Do they support most video/music/ebook formats?
Yay flash support. Just like proper smart phones of the last 4 years. Suppose it makes having wifi worth it since it can actually use the real internet instead of just the text bits. Since more price and tech = more freedom and choice?
is ten inches too big though? i've been pondering about getting the streak and everyone keeps telling me to get a galaxy-s or one of the newer android phones because the streak is too big...
Quote from bunder9999 :is ten inches too big though? i've been pondering about getting the streak and everyone keeps telling me to get a galaxy-s or one of the newer android phones because the streak is too big...

well, do you want a phone or a tablet?
10" is just about perfect, IMO.
Quote from Jakg :Android is a GREAT OS. Far, far better than iOS in functionality...

They're both practically the same OS with different GUIs glued on. Don't talk bollocks.

Quote from Jakg :but it's just too slow. Despite the power all the new phones have, they all seem to have a little annoying delay doing some things... whereas the iPhone / iPad just don't.

Have you used a top-end Android phone? The Desire is at least as quick (and as quick-feeling which is of course more important) as the iPhone 4.
Quote from bunder9999 :is ten inches too big though? i've been pondering about getting the streak and everyone keeps telling me to get a galaxy-s or one of the newer android phones because the streak is too big...

7 inch is portable in a big pocket of a jacket or pants.

10 inch needs a bag.
ask me again when these things actually have proper functionality
which just might be the case when windows 8 hits (if they manage to pull off having a fully functional touch ui that seamlessly switches over to full blown windows once you plug a keyboard and mouse in)

Android tablets are ready for primetime
(80 posts, started )