I'm looking for some cop skins for serveral cars, (most common used cop cars on cruise servers ofc) I basicly need something you can reconize from distance, knowing without dought that it's a cop car, so it mustn't be something common like black and white...be creative skinners! 
btw it would be great with "Wicked Sick Police" on the sides, "W.S.P.D" on the hood( perhaps roof too?), and something with a sense of humor on the back, like "I'm a Wicked Sick Cop!" :-)
feel free to post if you need some more info.

btw it would be great with "Wicked Sick Police" on the sides, "W.S.P.D" on the hood( perhaps roof too?), and something with a sense of humor on the back, like "I'm a Wicked Sick Cop!" :-)
feel free to post if you need some more info.