Thank you Live for Speed.
(58 posts, started )
You dont need to invest to monitor right now and what are you current PC spec? We went oftopic a lot thought...this should be about LFS
5 year old laptop and mause its good for LFS, cs1.6 and tetris
ach so...
Quote from kars19 :PC ~500, monitor ~130 G27 ~200, ok ~830 pounds

Oh, nvm, looks like I need glasses
Quote from kars19 :PC ~500.

I have a triple screen PC right here thats worth about £300. Not sure why you need to spend £500. ebay is your friend.
Quote from Dandy Dust :So do I:

The best thing about LFS is its absolutely unbeatable

Netcode! There is no other online-racing game that

combines accurate driving simulation AND race-battling

lke Live for Speed.


That's just completely false. LFS's netcode is indeed great - I've had many good races with 300 ping. But to say that there are no others like it is just wrong.

iRacing's netcode is just as good, if not better that LFS's. I've raced literally door-to-door with a 350 ping, and not had that weird "Oh-I've-lagged-a-little-bit-Oh-now-I'm-kind-of-inside-the-other-guy-Oh-now-I'm-flying-across-the-map" issue.

Enough hating of LFS though.. I've had a good 5 or so years with the game, and definitely had my moneys worth. It's unfortunate that I've had to move on, but these things happen.

Thank you Live for Speed.
(58 posts, started )