The online racing simulator
15th RTFRi info

It's time for it! For the fastest track in LFS - 3 kilometers,3 turns,unmeasurable amount of intensity when driving in pack - the Kyoto Ring Oval! The car for this track will be the slowest rear-wheel-drive car in LFS - XR GT. Teamwork is the keyword in this event - to be fast,you need to have a buddy with you - either it's Nascar style bumpdraft or the basic usual LFS draft - helping each other out is the way to success both in qualifying and race!
Results of 15th RTFRi


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The oval race created a lot of intensity racing as usual - it was the all RTFRi all time closest finish - winner A.Jonaitis took good line through last turn,and passed his rival Invecs,beating him by just 9 hundreds of second. The rest of top5 was taken by STO team's drivers - Krabits,first time participant Whizboy and Snowyy.

I know,some guys already made a wish for LX car for some of the next races,but in next event is time for some of the slick cars and I have already an idea for it... But will see in 2 weeks what happens!
16th RTFRi info
02. aug., 2011.

The 16th race will be a "short" one - just 8 laps,but don't be fooled by lapcount,because every one of them is 12.6km long - it's my own created KY3X_Maximum Track (using v2). Laptimes in this track should be possible under 4 minutes with the fastest no driving aids car in LFS - Formula V8. 450 horsepowers,very light and agile car,fast straights,banked turns,sweeping curves and tight hairpins - are you ready for this challenge?
I´m in Mate :P

FO8 is one of my favourite car
I hope we´ll get such a nice fight as in the HF1S :P

See you on track
lmfao so in for this one :L
Results of 16th RTFRi


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Some said it was the wrong weather/lighting conditions,some said it was the very long track,for others the problem might be the hard driving car,but the fact is - this was the lowest attended RTFRi event - with just 5 drivers qualified,4 started and just 2 actually crossed the finish line (2 others still classified in results because of needed 50% race distance completion).
I happened to lead right after start because of very good pull away from grid and led until lap 6,when my PC crashed... And because a lap earlier Chrono retired,Krabits took the lead and celebrated his 2nd RTFRi win!

After 2 weeks we will be road going tyre users,info as usual - around 2 days before event!
17th RTFRi info
16. aug., 2011.

17th RTFRi is a return of LX4 and will use unofficial configuration named Aston International GT Reversed,but with couple different turns - both on each end of the long backstraight. Track is 7.5km long and laptimes are expected to be around 3:30,so this will be 2nd event in row with single figure amount of race lapcount. Speedbumps at inside of new turns might be almost harmless to suspension for this car,but too much cutting can throw this lightweight road legal racer quite high up,so calculate your racing line!
#83 - Zay
Hello, I'm thinking of coming to this next one, however, I'm not sure ill be able to make it for all of qualifying, so if its not to much trouble, would you mind posting the layout we will be racing on the race announcment posts from now on?
Qualifying is one hour long,you can come whenever you want as long as you're able to post a laptime in qualifying table. About posting layouts - well,I didn't thought someone would be willing to practice that long before race,but next time I'll attach them anyway!
Server will be online in few hours...
Results of 17th RTFRi


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The 17th event was attended by 4 previous winners,all of them finished in top 5 - taking lead just in last lap,race was won by Concept Racing's Troy,who obviously was the fastest driver today,runner up C.Kistner took lead in first lap and led until his own mistake in last lap,last place on podium took Tiger's freshest signup - A.Pavars. A first time participant from Belgium Mikail finished 4th and Cargame's Litro rounded up top 5 after scoring his 5th Pole position in qualifying in RTFRi events!

2 weeks later we will meet up for racing with slick tyre cars,let's see,what haven't we raced yet...
Troy is just MONSTER!
well if next combo is nice iam in i think.
It´s fun racing here.
But Troy was unbeatable.
18th RTFRi info
30. aug., 2011.

It's time for the little UF fed with some steroids - known also as UF GTR. This little machine maybe doesn't have very much power,but it's still quite fast and very agile through turns with it's lightweight body. Venue is the 2.9 km long Chicane route reversed in our famous South City streets. Wide straights,narrow chicane,tight and blind turns - stay alert for this one!
Awww should be UFBR, that would be so much fun. But anyway Ill be there.

Hope I frikin remember
Cheers for putting this on! Not the cleanest of races, but I suppose that comes with the track - hope it tends to be cleaner in this half-series fun race whatsit. Unhappy about being taken out, but what can you do. Hope some of you enjoyed that! Just nice to be back racing for me though.
Results of 18th RTFRi


Statistics / Group photo / Event rating and other statistics

This race was quite eventful,unfortunately mostly in negative sence,as in post above - it wasn't very clean,a lot of drivers were uncareful and too agressive,which led to new record of lowest finishing percentage - just half of starters qualified as finished after the race.
While most had their trouble,Litro led the race flag to flag setting impressive laptimes even in race,scoring his 3rd RTFRi win (now tied for most wins with Kars) after taking his 6th Pole position in qualifying. Another previous event winner zz finished in 2nd place,followed by 2 MRc drivers - Muc and Matiss,with romanian first time participant Maksi rounding up top 5.

In 2 weeks will be the next event,we will switch for some of the road going cars!
Quote from Timdpr :Cheers for putting this on! Not the cleanest of races, but I suppose that comes with the track - hope it tends to be cleaner in this half-series fun race whatsit. Unhappy about being taken out, but what can you do. Hope some of you enjoyed that! Just nice to be back racing for me though.

I am so sorry about that incident, I started braking a bit later than you and that didn't end up well, my fault. I tried to turn you back to the race direction but didnt help, sorry again.
Quote from Flame CZE :I am so sorry about that incident, I started braking a bit later than you and that didn't end up well, my fault. I tried to turn you back to the race direction but didnt help, sorry again.

Oh I'm not talking about you! I ended up on my roof after a big crash with someone recovering a few laps before the end. I want to call our crash a racing incident - I did brake very early, after all. Was nice racing with you
19th RTFRi info
13. sep., 2011.

245 horsepowers,2 liter turbocharger engine,rear wheel drive,roadster body and a stamp "Made in Finland" describes the car in our next race - yes,it's the [still] only real life street legal vehicle in LFS - Raceabout! This car itself already is quite challenging to race,but track will make it even harder - it's an alternative version of unofficial configuration Fern Bay Silver Reversed,adding the bumpy straight and the little oval section will make the track 5.8km long,good laptimes should be mid 2:40s or even better.
12 laps without trouble should put you in good finishing position,so keep the control of your car!
Attached files
FE2Y_Silver Alternate Reversed.lyt - 2.9 KB - 581 views
host has a different game code?
Quote from anttt69 :host has a different game code?

Are you on the current patch (0.6B)?

They're using an open config layout "FE2Y", so if you're using a 0.5Z patch, you'll have to update.
thanks ive sorted it but now its passworded
Sounds like you're a bit late.

Quote from Eclipsed :
Event times:
Qualification: 20:00 EET (17:00 UTC)
Race start: - 21:10 EET (18:10 UTC)

BST is UTC+1. So the race started 30 mins ago.
Results of 19th RTFRi


Statistics / Group photo / Event rating and other statistics

This race proved why Raceabout is the least favourite LFS car - interest level was very low - just 5 drivers,fortunately all of them started and finished too! Race was quite dominated by Master Race car's Matiss,who took the lead from pole position (his second in RTFRi) and lead the whole race without being challenged for the win,he also scored the fastest lap of the race in the last lap,to finish his great race.

In two weeks time we'll settle for more grip by racing slick tyre cars!

PS. Yes,if server is pasworded,you're too late - password usually is set between qualifying and start,so no non-qualified drivers can join anymore.
I missed it