BattleField 3
(1935 posts, started )
Its one of my gripes that you can't set vehicle sensitivities seperate from mouse. Makes you have to specialise from the off which sucks if you then can't get the vehicle you need.

I just got low level cloak with the attack helo's. Makes so much difference. People actually have to aim their guns at you now.
Today I unlocked every signle weapon from Co-Op!

I love the jets, its so fun to dogfight your way to the heat seekers
Quote from FRZN-95 :Today I unlocked every signle weapon from Co-Op!

Let me know if you want to do co-op. Username: Bmxtwins
Quote from Bose321 :Anytime. Hit me up if you want to play some.

edit: lol, little error on battlelog. All votes are 101%

Probably rounded decimals.
Quote from Bmxtwins :Let me know if you want to do co-op. Username: Bmxtwins

how good are they? in particular i've always had a soft spot for a G3 in any game and am wondering if it's worth going for, and how long does it take ?
Quote from tinvek :how good are they? in particular i've always had a soft spot for a G3 in any game and am wondering if it's worth going for, and how long does it take ?

No idea, because I am only half way to the Rex LOL.
i need this game on the puss3.
Is it just me or the USAS with frag rounds are insanely overpowered?
Quote from Bose321 :Fixed.

Not fixed because my PC would struggle to play it at decent graphic levels. I need moar RAM and a better GPU.
3.9gb update :o

wish i had fibre optic line

6 hours zzzz
Origin, y u no update when im at school

Origin's measurement for speed must be wrong, it's telling me I get 2,2mb/s while I never have managed to get that (also with speedtest etc).

Oh well, takes about 35 minutes for me. I hope the game is back up running then.

Does anyone know where to get the Back to Karkand DLC for cheap? My review copy isn't the Limited Edition
Is there any other place to buy BKT for Ps3 than the psn store? The psn store won't accept any of my cards ;/
Yay, Battlelog is back up. Time to play in 8 minutes.
Back To Karkand is fu*kin awesome..
What do you mean where Friend of mine asked me to record some Peninsula footage, and i have an awesome camera
I think he meant the "HD" bit. We only see 360p.
I thought HD an this '' smiley were enough for an obvious sarcasm
Sorry i haven't played BF2, my first Battlefield was BC2.. There is ONLY Conquest Assault on these maps, not that it's a bad mode but i don't understand, it seems there won't be a normal Conquest..

BattleField 3
(1935 posts, started )