I've made 3 or 4 skins for the fox in the past, and have learnt how that particular jigsaw puzzle fits together, practice makes perfect, no more than that
If you look at the skin file for long enough you'll figure out which bit is which.
#DeXteR#, why you didn't say that in your last post, what you want?
I really make me...i better not say that...but point is that if you have idea
what you want, tell that BEFORE somebody starts working.
That why I always ask reference picture...pointless to spend time on renders,
what skin author don't like/want.
If could someone render this XRT, please. With grey rims, near the base color of the car. Do anything what you want....but no drifty stuff. Somethig to desktop backround would be cool, any render at all
Two versions attached, didnt knew wich one is better for you renderers
OK Smax now that I have the Fox looking great is there any chance you could / would do me one on the same style for the F08 and maybe (just maybe) the MRT5, however the F08 would be great on it's own
I live in speed and hope
Sorry mate I'm 6 weeks from the end of a degree and currently trying to mediate a major argument bewteen the other people on my course which has the potential to blow the whole thing apart, manage a crazy workload, hold down a partime job, make sure my girl friend remembers who I am, oh and get out for a beer with my mates from time to time....