I'm sorry, but that was the dumbest idea of a race that was ever conceived. I guess I looked at the schedule and forgot that Las Vegas had been repaved and banked. I was used to it's flater configuration, and didn't see why everybody was making a big deal about the fact that the series was racing there, but this morning as I was conducting [RN]'s little oval disaster I was listening to pre-race interviews and the drivers seemed a little frightened about the track, and I remembered that it had been banked.
At this point, I knew that I wasn't going to miss this race for the world.. I KNEW something bad was going to happen, and I was praying that it wouldn't be this. It was this.
Watching it with my girl friend I looked over to her as they took the green flag, and I told her that they shouldn't be racing there (she loves racing like myself

) and she agreed. 225 mph pack racing is not only stupid, it's reckless. How many NASCAR plate races go by without a "big one"?
How fast are they going? How much lighter are Indy Cars? How much safer is a stock car than an open wheel car?
Thank god we only lost one racer today. Thank god they ended the race on lap 13. Thank god this didn't happn infront of the grandstands.
This race only happened because the Indy Car Series wanted to be as popular as what NASCAR is.
"IndyCar Series rolling d ... quot; (October 12th 2011) Truly, they might have just done that... Yeah... exactly what the Series directors wanted.
I (for one) will now protest the series until they either remove Texas and Vegas from their schedule, or they do something about the speeds.
Rest in Peace Dan Wheldon. You will be missed.