I myself spend quite a lot of time modding rF stuff and I have to say that the best way to learn (at least for me) is to start with a ready mod and try to do modifications to it. You will eventually start to understand what is purpose of the different files and what the different lines in them (use notepad or something similar) does. It will take LOTS of time, but eventually your brain will understand the folder structure and the different stuff inside.
Many of the lines inside these files are pretty self-explainatory.
Also google is your friend, there are many things you can't do just with a notepad and when you encounter a file you don't understand I suggest googling.
It's not as simple as putting few fancy lines in some program what makes the car for you.
There are lots of tutorials around and the ones what cover the whole system are huge so don't even ask for anyone to write a whole one on a forum.
Tho if you end up with a problem when "fiddling around" or anything you can always ask here or anywhere else.
For the 3D stuff I use Zmodeler2, tho I don't do lots of it, mainly just LHD conversions for my personal usage and other little stuff.