The online racing simulator
Quote from Scawen :PATCH_Z28_TO_Z33 will successfully patch any version from Z28 or above, to Z33.

So you just use that patch - you don't need to go back to Z28 before upgrading.

thanks Scawen!

EDIT: About speedhump and tyrewall in KY#X. Will it be as permament? As I loved that part could be free to use, but it's cool anyway...
Quote from Scawen :I'm not taking any more requests for objects - I've spent long enough collecting them together and updating them for the new unified autocross objects file. .... so we can get the official patch out and I can get back to the tyre physics.

With respect to what has been said above, I want to make a suggestion for something that can be looked upon next time you have time for this, when ever it is...

With the OT configurations a problem appeared that can not be easily solved. Made a few Aston layouts that use AS7 starting grid and pit and they are very nice to drive on. However, the big problem is pitlane, both on entrance and exit on the track. Pit in/out join/departing the track on the racing line where one has to reduce speed significantly, thus creating potential risk of crash with another racer following close behind.

What I wanted to ask is: is it possible to add something like a concrete flat horizontal panels to layout objects that can be put over the grass surface, so the surface then has grip instead of being slippery?
That way I could separate pit in and pit out lanes away from the track and avoid risks of collisions with other cars.

As I am complete noob in programming, I don't have a clue if this is a huge task or just a little thing and again, with regards to the quoted, don't even bother to answer now.

Screenshots of the pit in/out areas are attached.
Attached images
Quote from Bmxtwins :nooo leave speed humps off

Quote from UnknownMaster21 :thanks Scawen!

EDIT: About speedhump and tyrewall in KY#X. Will it be as permament? As I loved that part could be free to use, but it's cool anyway...

Are you just talking about this place, these 13 objects in the attached screen shot?

I don't have strong feelings about this. I guess I could just leave them not there in open configs (as they were before Z33) so you can just put tyres and humps there if you want them.

I guess I'll remove them again unless I hear of some reasons why not. Actually, I have just commented out those lines already. So that's done unless we hear some good reason why they should be there in the open configurations.
Attached images
Quote from Highharti :[ blue flags in open configurations ]

I have done this now, but it will need a good test to see if it works well. When do you think you might want to test this again? I could probably do one more compatible patch in time for your test (not this evening).
Quote from Scawen :Are you just talking about this place, these 13 objects in the attached screen shot?

I don't have strong feelings about this. I guess I could just leave them not there in open configs (as they were before Z33) so you can just put tyres and humps there if you want them.

I guess I'll remove them again unless I hear of some reasons why not. Actually, I have just commented out those lines already. So that's done unless we hear some good reason why they should be there in the open configurations.

Well, those are ALREADY @ in Official tracks. In open configuration, if there is no speedhumps or tyrewalls, you are actually able to make a shicane! a. If want to keep them activated, then use official tracks.


But then again, why not to make speedhumps as object? Then you are able to replace them everywhere, @ open config should be OPEN, not closed. But I am not desiding that though,,,,

EDIT: Yes, im talking that place (and actually in all over the places as what becoming to an idea)
no vids containing mods on lfs forums
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Well, those are ALREADY @ in Official tracks. In open configuration, if there is no speedhumps or tyrewalls, you are actually able to make a shicane! a. If want to keep them activated, then use official tracks.


But then again, why not to make speedhumps as object? Then you are able to replace them everywhere, @ open config should be OPEN, not closed. But I am not desiding that though,,,,

EDIT: Yes, im talking that place (and actually in all over the places as what becoming to an idea)

He already stated, that the incompatible patch with the autocross changes has those speed bumps as objects.
Quote from Scawen :I have done this now, but it will need a good test to see if it works well. When do you think you might want to test this again? I could probably do one more compatible patch in time for your test (not this evening).

Cool. I think we can do this on monday in our regular training. I'm going to talk to my colleagues about that...
Scawen - How do you manage to get 300+ Fps ? The most I have EVER had is 29 Fps.

Sorry for off topic
Quote from Poldy1603 :Scawen - How do you manage to get 300+ Fps ? The most I have EVER had is 29 Fps.

Sorry for off topic

I guess a good PC. And the screenshot resolution is 812x612 so that raises FPS too, and looking from that angle with no cars doesn't consume much FPS as well.
Scawen - here's a wierd crash, not sure what caused it, and has not happened since.
On lap 5 or 7.54 mins as the second car goes into the corner it suddenly gets a huge wack in the rear end.
Both server and client are on z33.
Attached files
so5r-^q.mpr - 235.4 KB - 392 views
Scawen, please note this:

Quote :As some of you can see the LFS is working on a new update, the main updates made so far is able to open all lanes in one, the other most significant update is the protection placed against the use of car mods.
But as always the LFSMODS this forward, our program and who belongs to LFSMODS RANGEL (Gen Black), is the only program that could be used to create mods for the new LFS.
The LFSMODS as one of the owners of the copyright of the breeding program of mods (Gen Black), will have every right on the mods created with it being posted on the site LFSMODS without the prior permission of the creator.

Quote from sermilan :Screenshots of the pit in/out areas are attached.

I don't think LFS has any hairpins at all. To do it in a pit in and then again in the pit out is pretty interesting.
Quote from Dygear :I don't think LFS has any hairpins at all. To do it in a pit in and then again in the pit out is pretty interesting.

Aston has quite a few actually, South City has one (SO4 downhill hairpin), and you could debate about the FE4 turn that takes you off FE3 and onto FE4.
Yeah, I've just not raced in LFS in such a long time. *Delirious*
Yeah I think you were looking for "proper chicanes" and not hairpins.
(dawesdust_12) DELETED by Scawen : infraction given : spam and bypassing the language filter
Quote from numbazZ :Scawen-here i made a thread as you say) i dont know should i translate a training lessons?? because it always on english

Thanks, let's hope it gets a good testing. You don't have to do the training lessons unless you want to. There is a way to translate the lesson titles - if you look at one of the translated lessons (data\training\xxx_Language.txt) on the first line, after an @ sign, that is the title that appears on the lesson selection screen.

But what we actually need for a translation to be included is :

1) The main translation file, of course.

2) In the help file, at least the "/agreement" section must be translated. That can be seen in game by editing your cfg.txt file - change "Welcome Z 0" to "Welcome Z 1" then you will see the agreement page in LFS.

Quote from Highharti :Cool. I think we can do this on monday in our regular training. I'm going to talk to my colleagues about that...

OK, I'll plan to release a compatible update with a few fixes either this evening or on Monday afternoon (assuming your training is in the evening).

Quote from Poldy1603 :Scawen - How do you manage to get 300+ Fps ? The most I have EVER had is 29 Fps.

Sorry for off topic

Paused, small window size, no cars on screen, looking down so very few objects are drawn.

Quote from racing.dude :Scawen - here's a wierd crash, not sure what caused it, and has not happened since.
On lap 5 or 7.54 mins as the second car goes into the corner it suddenly gets a huge wack in the rear end.
Both server and client are on z33.

Thanks. We've had a few reports of these rare, unreproducable ghost collisions. Most recently here :

This is my only worry about this patch at the moment. Unfortunately it's really a bad thing. It's possible to get these false collisions, but they are so rare, and cannot be reproduced. If someone got it in single player mode and posted an SPR then I could track it down and fix it. But these MP Replays only show the outcome, not the actual collision event itself.
Quote from Poldy1603 :Scawen - How do you manage to get 300+ Fps ? The most I have EVER had is 29 Fps.

Sorry for off topic

This is such a big problem...

29 fps is dramatic, you can't race properly with only 29 fps. Especially when it's the most you EVER got.

Get a good graphic card or lower settings. Car shadows for example are killing FPS.
Quote from Scawen :OK, I'll plan to release a compatible update with a few fixes either this evening or on Monday afternoon (assuming your training is in the evening).

Training will be a 60 minute race at South City Chicane / LX6. (in the evening at 7pm) There should be quite some complicated laping there.

I'm just thinking, if this is an easy fix, you could even implement to wave a yellow flag, when a car is slower than ~30-35mph. As far as I know, there are no corners in LfS that are driven slower than that. Again: not a perfect system, as high speed accidents won't be detected, and there would be many yellows at the start.
But it would help in most of the "oh there is a car standing around in the middle of the road" situations...
I don't know if that can be done easily. Just another idea...
I'll do some testing in single player later today.
I've got an enduro in a few hours, just hope it doesn't happen for it.
Quote from Highharti :Training will be a 60 minute race at South City Chicane / LX6. (in the evening at 7pm) There should be quite some complicated laping there.

But... South City Chicane uses the same old blue flag system. The new system that needs testing is only for the open configs.

Quote from Highharti :I'm just thinking, if this is an easy fix, you could even implement to wave a yellow flag, when a car is slower than ~30-35mph. As far as I know, there are no corners in LfS that are driven slower than that. Again: not a perfect system, as high speed accidents won't be detected, and there would be many yellows at the start.
But it would help in most of the "oh there is a car standing around in the middle of the road" situations...
I don't know if that can be done easily. Just another idea...

Yellow flags are not easy, because they become quite annoying if LFS doesn't know if a car is in a safe place. It uses the path to know if a car is parked or stopped off line in a safe place and this is impossible without path information.
Quote from Scawen :But... South City Chicane uses the same old blue flag system. The new system that needs testing is only for the open configs.

We'll create an SO-Chicane layout and load it in Open Config mode.

Quote :Yellow flags are not easy, because they become quite annoying if LFS doesn't know if a car is in a safe place. It uses the path to know if a car is parked or stopped off line in a safe place and this is impossible without path information.

Ok, good point..
z30 was fine for me, z31 however, I get small stuttering every 10 seconds or so.
I'm experiencing this on KY3x.
My FPS are fine in z30+.
When It skips the sound crackles slightly, if that helps..

Quote from Soulvex :I still get a freeze when the odd person leaves the pit garage, it was so bad yesterday I OOB'ed because of it...

This thread is closed