I got an email from Sony yesterday informing me that they had given my card details out to a passing stranger.
The email did not apologise once, and the tone of it insisted that it only effected non-US customers so it wasn't that big of an issue.
Thanks Sony!

I don't even have a smegging Playstation. I played a computer game that Sony bought out when I stopped playing, and a few years ago I signed up for a couple of months for old times sake before closing my account again.
Now my personal data INCLUDING my debit card is property of the internet, because Sony aren't PCI compliant.
Under UK law they require a PCI level of 1 for the size and nature of their business in order to trade online, which should involve full code audits by an independent and approved company every 3 months.
I pressume Sony have bypassed the PCI system by forming the SOE and PSN network parent companies on foreign soil, that being the case then how can I have faith in the PCI system?
I think we need a law that to take money from a UK card - for any business over a certain size - you must use a UK payment gateway, thus forcing these big companies to play by the same rules as the rest of us - because a British company just couldn't get away with this gross level of incompetence. The degree of auditing and scrutiny for companies that take large amounts of card payments would prohibit it.