The online racing simulator
Can i ask if you know what cause this problem ?
Could you please post the error in a code tag. My eyes are pretty much dead from looking at that. Also, without any other code, I doubt anyone will be able to help.

From a first look, I would suggest providing the following functions:
User.set_Distance (and specify which is line 461),
CruiseApp.UpdateDistance (and which is line 882),
CruiseApp.CarUpdate (and which is line 857)

Preferably(for me at least) in PHP tags (it's close enough to C#). But CODE will do too.

Also, please provide the user's distance when it happens (not that I know what could possibly go wrong with their distance, but, you know).
And just a wild guess/thought/whatever you want to call it: Provide the nickname and username as well, just in case.

I guess more things will pop up when you provide those. So, don't be surprised if even more stuff than now are requested.
Well, thanx for reply - Thats general sparkcruise code with lots of more stuff what we created, and Nasty as our coder checked this lines with an other good coder too, and there is really nothing weird, but Nasty changed lots of settngs yesterday, and that looks to not crashing anymore.. But lets see, anyways thanx for reply !